King's Business - 1923-05


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John says th a t th e “ glory” Isaiah ' saw in th e temple was “ the glory of Christ” (Isa. 6; Jn. 12 :41 ). F ou r things w orth know ing: (1) The mystery of His will (Eph. 1 :9 ). (2) The hope of His calling (Eph. 1 :1 8 ). (3) The riches of his glory (Eph. 1 :1 8 ). (4) The greatness of His power (Eph. 1 :1 9 ). The resurrection of Christ took place on th e anniversary of th e day th e ark rested on Mount A rarat. Man’s th ree certainties ap art from Christ: (1 ) Shall not see life (Jn. 3 :3 6 ). (2) Shall be damned (Mk. 16: .16 ). (3) Shall go into everlasting punishm ent (Mt. 2 5 :46 ). Three new things: .(1) New creature in Christ (2 Cor. 5 :1 7 ). (2) New commandment from Christ (Jn. 1 3 :34 ). (3) New city for th e people of Christ (Rev. 2 1 :2 ). Three falls: (l)D em a s fell through th e world (2 Tim. 4 :1 0 ). (2). David fell through the flesh (2 Sam. 11:2-4). (3) P eter fell th rough th e devil (Mt. 16:22-23). A way to keep out of hell— Jn. 14:6. No way to ’ get out of hell— Lk. 16:26. Note Jesus’ concluding words of His last public discourse— His last words in th e temple (Mt. 2 3 :3 7 ). This m arks th è end of His m inistry. Three tim es during His public m in­ istry Jesus raised th e dead. (1 ) An only son (Lk. 7 :1 2 ). (2) An only daughter (Lk. 8 :4 2 ). (*3) An only b ro th er (Jn. 11 :43 ). Christ’s first and la st words. On e a rth S -F irst: Lk. 2:49. L ast: Mt. 28:20; Acts 1:8. In H is public m inis­ try—F irst: Mt. 3:15. L ast: Jn. 19:30. To His disciples— F irs t: Jn. 1:38. Last: Jn . 21:19-22.

Three things in John 5:24: 1. A new possession—- “ everlasting life.” 2. A new provision— “ shall no t come into judgm ent.” 3. A' new position— “ passed from death unto life.” There are 642 personal invitations to “ come” in the Bible. Two nameless children: A little girl who did a g reat work telling what she knew (2 Kgs. 5 :2 ). A little boy who gave what he had (Jn . 6 :9 ). Seven examples of Christ in John: 1. Bread (6 :35 , 41, 48). 2. L ight (8 :1 2 ; 9 :5 ). 3. Door (10:7, 9 ). 4. Shepherd (10:11, 14). 5. R esurrec­ tion and life (1 1 :2 5 ). 6. Way (1 4 :6 ). 7. Vine (1 5 :5 ). The only work essential to salvation —-Jn. 6:29. The damning work— 16:9. Salvation— Im ported ( Jn> 6 :5 0 ). Im parted (T it. 3 :5 ). Imputed (Rom. 4 : 5 ). Why was Jesus circumcised? Gal 4:4-5 (Lk. 2 :2 1 ). Luke 2:34, “Simeon blessed th em ” (Joseph and Mary) bu t not Jesus. Why? See Heb. 7:7. I t was n o t for Simeon to bless Him who was “ God manifest in the flesh.” Lk. 2:46. Note th a t one day’s loss of Jesus m eant th ree days of sorrow ful searching. Some Christians will beat the devil out of his wages. Cf. 1 Cor. 15:51 and Rom. 6:23. God’s ru le of th ree for giving— 1 Cor. 16:2. W ithout method th ere is muddle. See Jn . 6:11. Three requisites for Bible study: Opened Bible (Lk 2 4 :3 2 ); opened eyes (Lk. 2 4 :3 1 ); opened understanding (Lk. 2 4 :31 ).

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