King's Business - 1923-05

550 said, “T ill heaven and earth pass, one jo t or one tittle , shall In no wise pass from th e law, till all be fulfilled.” A “jo t” is equivalent to th e dot of an “ i” and a tittle to th e cross of a “t.” This means th a t not only th e words, bu t th e very letters in th e original w ritings of th e Bible are inspired. The last few verses in th e Bible are a solemn and aw ful warning to th e man th a t tak es away from th e “WORDS” of th a t sacred Book.— Chas. Waehlte. “L ife” is a comic magazine, and evi­ dently th e editor sees th e comedy some are making of overhauling th e Bible. The following appeared recently: HERBERT E. MILES, who has de­ scribed him self as a retired business man, has come out in th e North Ameri­ can Review for a reconstruction of the Bible in which p arts shall be om itted and th e rem nants of it rearranged. He th ink s th e Bible is a g reat book bu t somewhat out of date; th a t it is not doing th e good it m ight do, and if some competent hands took hold of it and cleared some of th e ju n k out of it, a proper book m ight be made of it th a t no sensible person would object to. Mr. Miles has learned th a t h alf of the people in th e country do not go to church. He th ink s they ought to, and th a t if th e Bible were trimm ed up a b it and renovated, and preaching done to match, maybe they would. Mr. Miles is a funny man. His in­ tentions are obviously good, bu t his understanding even more obviously lim ited. There is no objection to his doing about th e Bible w hat he w ants to do— to rearrang e w hat he understands and leave out what he does not under­ stand. The trouble will be th a t when he has done it, he won’t be able to sell his product. There is more known and suspected about religion th an Mr. Miles thinks. The g reat body of people who ate ate OVERHAULING THE BIBLE


are interested in th e Bible a t all will know th a t th e book as it is is vastly more valuable and useful th an th e book th a t Mr. Miles would produce. Some things were more fam iliar and b etter understood when th e Bible was pu t tog eth er th a n they are now. We know . more about many things th an men did 2,000 years ago, but some things, well known then, have been almost crowded out of knowledge, and are only now coming back. The Bible is valuable not only for those parts of it which peo­ ple like Mr. Miles understand, bu t also, and even more so, for w hat they don’t und erstand today, bu t may w ith good luck understand la ter if they keep on trying. The job of assembling and editing th e Bible was rem arkably well done. No group of contemporary men, such as Mr. Miles suggests, seems fit t6 better it. ate . ate PRECIOUS BOOK I love th e dear old precious book. To it I shall for guidance look. Though unbelief its tru th s despise And seeming wisdom criticise. It leads me to the Christ of God Who freed me from my sinful load. It fills my h ea rt w ith hope and cheer. Bids me rejoice and never fear. Some- bid us lay its words aside. And tak e th e ir thoughts, to be our guide. Poor blind souls themselves have strayed. An EVIL HAND, h ath lent them aid. Now th ith e r down th a t path they go, And Satan smiles to see it so. — Jam es Clark. yiiiuimiiiiuniiimmiiiiiiuiimimiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiniiiiiHimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHi^miiiiiiuniuiiiiuiiig ( ONE MORE WORD | Before we close— Be thinking ( | about th a t BIBLE COURSE | | by correspondence. EliiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniinHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMHiiiiimiuS

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