King's Business - 1923-05

the SCOFIELD Reference Bible and The SCOFIELD Reference New Testament ù Psalms Edited by Rev. C. I. SCOFIELD, D.D., Assisted by Eminent Scholar »

Synopsis to Each Book

Chapter Sub-Heads

(Chain References

LateTextual Renderings

Summaries of Great Bible Truths'

Helps at the Hard Places

Sco fie ld Re ference B ib le M ade in T\>o Sizes, Identically th e Same, Page for Page, Except for Size of T ype SMALLER SIZE, M inion Type 7 x 4 ^ inches Specimen o f Type LARGER SIZE, Brevier Type 8% x 5)£ inches Specimen o f Type

J U S T P U B L IS H E D SCOFIELD Reference N ew T es tam en t and Psalms ’With the Same Helpful Features as Contained In the Scofield Reference Bible. To which are added Synoptic Introductions to the Pour Gospels, the Epistles, and the Poetical Books. The text is practically fac-simile, page for page, with the New Testament portion of the Scofield Reference Bible. Specimen o f Type M inistry o f John th e B aptist . (See vs. 29-34. Cf. ML 3. - I-I7J Mk. 1. x-xx; Lk. 3. x 23.) 6 There was a f man sent from God, whose name w as John. 7 The same came tor a Awitness, things, and his own peo­ ple received him not. mOr, author­ ity, n Faith, John 3.15,16,18,36. (Mt.8.10; *3 nor the T h i 3 *4 Cloth, square comers ................................. $1.50 Keratol, limp .............................................. ¿.00 Keratol, divinity circuit............................. 2.50 French Morocco, limp ................................. 3.25 French Morocco, divinity circuit................ 3.75 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge ............................................ 4.75 “O xford India Paper” Edition (Size, 6%x4% inches) 704x French Morocco, limp ................................. 4.00 705x French Morocco, divinitycircuit.................. 4.50 706x French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge .......................................... 5.55 707x Persian Morocco, limp,leather lined............ 6.50 708x Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge .......................................... 7.00 Helps on the Pages Where Needed B io la Book Room Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Cal. Nos. 701 702 703 704 705 706 (Size, 6%x4% inches)

14 And the ¿Word flesh, and dwelt among

14 And the ¿Word was flesh, and dwelt among us, (

Smaller Size


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Price $3.25 6.50 6.50 7.75

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Cloth ............................................. French Morocco, limp.................... Half Morocco, library s ty le ...... French Morocco, divinity circuit.. Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed ......................*................. OXFORD INDIA PAPER EDITION French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed ......................................... Alaska Seal, limp, leather lined. Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed ......................................... Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed......... Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed......... Interleaved with a Blank Ruled Leaf between Every Two Leaves Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf . lined to edge, silk lined.. . . With Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, Oxford Index, ' Concordance and Maps French Morocco, divinity circuit (White Paper) ................... .. French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed ......................................... Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed ......................................... Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed......... SPECIAL EDITIONS With Helps compiled by Rev. R. A. Torrey, D.D. How to study the Bible. In­ cluding the Best Texts to use in dealing with different classes of people, and how to use them. Ox­ ford Pine White Paper Edition. Cloth ............................................. Oxford India Paper Edition Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed......... •Thumb index onany style5Oeextra.

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