King's Business - 1923-05

“Best” Books

That every Preacher and Christian Worker will want to read. All the information they contain is right up to date. Scientific Christian Thinking for Young People By H ow ard A gnew Jo hnston A book th a t adeq u ately a n d sym p ath etically m eets th e grow ing dem and am ong young people for intellectual san ctio n fo r C h ristian life an d service. New lig h t on several scientific questions h as been discovered in th ese first years |%® tw entieth century. Ini th is new lig h t som e of th e theories w hich dom inated th e . th in k in g w orld fo r th e la st th ird of the la st cen tu ry are proved no longer tenable. This new lig h t p o in ts in th e direction of God’s relatio n to m en an d th e w orld as being m ore d irect an d im m ediate th a n .w as inferred w hen th e evolution theories w ere supposed to be correct. J u s t th e book you need to m eet th e needs of y o u r young people. Cloth, $1.25

“IN CHRIST JESUS”— The Sphere of th e B eliever’s Life By D r. A. T . P ierson T his book co n tain s a se r­ ies of “Key N ote” Studies in the P auline E p istle s.' The p hrase “In C h rist” being the central them e of each study. The a u th o r in his in tro d u c- "j tion says, “W e see th e v ital im portance of th e p h rase ‘In C h rist’ in th e fa c t th a t th e s e , w ords unlock a n d in te rp ret , every sep arate book in th e ; New T estam ent. H ere ' i s ! God’s ow n key w hereby we j m ay open all th e various j doors an d en ter all th e g lo ri­ ous room s in th is palace beautiful, a n d explore all the ap artm en ts in the house of t h e heavenly In terp reter from M atthew to th e A poca­ lypse.’’ If you like good B iblical in terp retatio n s th a t a re filled w ith real soul food, buy th is book. P rice $1.50

My Conversion From a R om an C atholic P rie st to a P ro te sta n t M inister By Rev. A. M alinvem i Dr. Malinverni is a man of culture and be writes with freedom from the bitterness often dis­ played in such works. The value of the book lies especially in the copious quotations which he makes from Catholic text books and the inside information he is able to give as to the efforts of Romanism to capture the government of the world. $ 1.0 0

Honest Debtors

Serm ons and A ddresses By O rrin Phillip G ifford, D.D. Some of the finest work of one of the ablest of Baptist preachers and platform speakers. Stu­ dents of preaching can­ not fail to find the volume of large interest. An im­ mediate practical value of the matter will be evident to all . who interpret Christian living in terms of stewardship of life. $1.50 net

Prodigal Daughters By Joseph Hocking

This is not a religious book in any sense of that term, but it is exceedingly wholesome nevertheless. Present day conditions are fearlessly presented in such a way as to hold. Another story which will hold the reader spell-bound until the last page is reached. It is a frank, up-to-date story. A powerful piece of writing in which the famous novelist graphically describes the struggle against the flood of new morals and ethics and dress of the younger generation of women. Cloth, $1.75 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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