King's Business - 1923-05

“Best” Books is*Bible Study Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord By Dr. R. A. Torrey This book it without doubt the best aid to Bible study in the life of our Saviour that has ever been written. It is so formed as to make the student do his own searching of the Word, and one who has gone through this book thor­ oughly will have a splendid knowledge of the life of our Lord. Price $2.00 The Typical Teaching of the Tabernacle B y W . S. H o ttel O ld Testam ent Types B y W . B. Riley

T he ty p ical teach in g of th e T abernacle in th e w ilderness continues a fascination to th e Bible stu d en t. It little m a tte rs how m uch is w ritten , th ere is co n sta n t dem and for m ore. M r. H o ttel is a teach er deeply ta u g h t in th e W ord a n d is peculiarly gifted in th e im p artatio n of th e sam e. T hese studies are rem arkable fo r th e an aly tical m a tte r and will be highly p rized b y Bible stu d en ts ev ery ­ w here. P rice 75c

No one can ever thoroughly u n d erstan d all of th e New T estam en t a n d its c o rrect teaching w ith o u t u n d erstan d in g th e ty p es a n d sym bolic foreshadow ings found in the O ld T estam ent. D r. Riley tak es u p th e p rincipal ty p es a n d show s th e ir full ? sig ­ nificance in a very clear, y e t exceedingly sim ple w ay. E very C h ristian w ho desires to know his Bible should have th is helpful book. P a p e r—P rice 40c

Simple Studies for Bible Beginners By Keith L. Brook*

A series of simple easy lessons on the Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian faith for use with new and untaught Christians. These studies are all arranged with the idea of teaching the student how_ to etudy the Bible for him- self in such a way that the great lessons are deeply impressed on his mind. Price 15c per copy A Guide to Bible S tudy H a rry E. R ichards Methods of Bible S tudy

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T hese books send th e stu d en t d irectly to th e Bible and give him a real stim ulus for study, a feeling th a t he is g ettin g som e­ w here b y exercising his ow n b ra in s ,'m aking his ow n discoveries, n o t reading of au th o rs. They dQ n o t d is tra c t by an em b arrassm en t of ou tsid e m aterial, fo r th ere is none; it is all careful, tho u g h tfu l, definite Bible Study. T hey a re books for th e real stu d en t. ijunitor C ourse a d ap ted to th e use of b e ­ ginners in Bible Study. 288 P ag es, C loth, $1.75 A dvanced C ourse, 384 P ag es, C loth, $2.00

Ransacking the Scriptures By Keith L. Brooks

This hook contains Bible rules for Bible study; alphabetical arrangement of important Bible chapters; number of chapters in each book; key note of each book; key verse of each book; Christ in each book; outward divisions of the Bible; spiritual conclusions of each book; important facts about the Bible; dis- nensational divisions; proofs of inspiration; index of all Bible events. 1 . _____________ ________________________ Price 25c If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D .. unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail a d d 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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