King's Business - 1923-05

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A course of stu d y in th e books of the New T estam en t w hich exam ines th e con­ ten ts, arg um en t a n d purpose of each, p re ­ faced by a general in tro d u ctio n to th e T es­ tam en t as a w hole. D r. R oss h as prepared a volum e w hich can be u sed by th e in d i­ vidual stu d en t a s well as b y classes and stu d y groups. H is m ethod is | sim ple, direct, y et com prehensive. P rice $1.75

Knowing the Scriptures By Dr. A. T. Pierson

This book of rules and methods of Bible Study, this help to the apprecia­ tion and interpretation of the Scriptures, calls attention to some fifty of the leading ways in which the d o se study of this divine book has been found to disclose its meaning. Any one who wants to know the Scriptures better will never be disappointed from using this book as a guide. Price $1.50

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By K eith L. Brooks T his book w as g o tten up for th o se who w an t to m ake a th orough sy stem atic stu d y of th e Bible. It is n o t a te x t book, although it does con tain com plete in stru ctio n s for its use. It is a ruled blank book w ith spaces fo r th e stu d en t to in d icate his findings on. each ch ap ter, such a s th e leading lesson, prom ises, conditions to prom ises, principal c h arac te rs m entioned, stro n g verses, how C hrist is seen, how th e H oly S p irit is p re ­ sented, etc. A valuable m ethod of study, com pelling > th e stu d en t to w ork o u t im ­ p o rta n t fa c ts for him self. Stiff p ap er cover—P rice 35c In tro d u ctio n by R. A . T orrey F o r th e C h ristian w orker w ho h as to p re ­ p are an ad d ress o r Bible stu d y in a h u rry o r who w an ts to p reach scrip tu rally c o rrect topical serm ons th is will be found a very helpful book indeed. It b rin g s to g eth er u nder top ical headings th e p rincipal te a ch ­ ings of S cripture. P rice, C loth, 75c

A series of ten Bible Studies w ritten for use a s te x t books in norm al a n d advanced Bible classes, schools, colleges, teach ers' m eetings, a n d p riv a te stu d y . • T hey a re p u t fo rth in th e in te re st of no theory, w ith no denom inational tendencies. T he aim is to presen t ju st w h at th e titles im ply— a series of p ractical and co n stru ctiv e stu d ies w hich will m ake th e stu d en t and read er b e tte r a c ­ quainted w ith his Bible. The title s of th is splendid series of Bible S tudy books are as follows: 1. Supplem ental Bible Studies . 2. Bible S tudies b y Books. 3. Bible S tudies b y Periods.

The Topical T ext Book 4. Bible Studies by D octrines. 5. Bible Studies in the^L ife of C hrist. 6. Bible Studies in th e Life of Paul. 7. Studies in th e Life of th e C hristian. 8. Studies in early C hurch H istory. 9. Bible Studies in V ital Q uestions. 10. Studies in th e F our Gospels. These books a re published in uniform shape and price. Price, P aper, 50c; C loth, 75c If money does n o t accom pany o rd er goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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