King's Business - 1923-05

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search lig h t of God’s W ord deserves to have its fal­ lacies an d failures exposed. The' d o ctrin es peculiar to the Roman. C hurch a re here exam ined in th e lig h t of God’s W ord only. The read er is left to draw his own conclusions. ._____ 10c; $1.00 p er dozen.

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Every Christian ought to know exactly what Christian Science is and what it teaches, and they can know very definitely if they will read this very carefully prepared comparison between Christian Science and the Word of God. Mr. Huling began hi® investigations by calling upon many of the leading Christ­ ian Science Practitioners and obtaining directly from them statements as to how they regard the Word of God and how they regard the statements of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy as embodied in her various published works. From this basic foundation the author proceeds to make a careful detailed comparison of the teaching of Christian Science with the Word of God— considering in detail all the great fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith. The conclusion® are logical and absolutely convincing to an unbiased mind. Every Christian worker needs this book for his own enlightenment and to help others. 25c each.

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If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e bv m ail add 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Ángeles, Cal.


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