King's Business - 1923-05

“Best” Booklets on Various Subjects <£=Biota’s Own Presses The Exact Truth Regarding an Eternal Hell By Dr. R. A. Torrey The truth contained in this booklet is much needed to-day to counteract the fallacious teaching in regard to “no hell,“ “hell not a place,“ “ eternal punish­ ment not being everlasting,“ etc. It meets every argument fairly, squarely, con­ vincingly. Lots of folks say that it is wrong to scare people into heaven,— but don't be afraid to put this splendid tract into the hands of your unsaved friends. 10c each; 75c per dozen. The Touches of God By D r. A . C. Dixon T h e Trinity The Virgin Birth

By K eith L. B rooks T his splendid little book­ le t w as p re p a re d for the pu rp o se of helping th e av erag e C h ristian g et a c o rrect u n d erstan d in g of th e D ivine n a tu re of God. Its statem en ts a re clear and concise, backed up by am ple S crip tu ral d ata. It will a n ­ sw er y o u r ow n questions a n d answ er th e questions of y o u r u nsaved friends to whom “The T rin ity ” has b een m ore o r less of an Enigm a. P rice 10c

By D r. W m . E vans The devil h a te s th e tru e B iblical acco u n t of th e v ir­ gin b irth of o u r L o rd and w ages a relentless w a r a g ain st it. If you know of an y o n e who is n o t th o ro u g h ­ ly convinced th a t th e Bible acco u n t is tru e, p u t th is splendidly w ritten booklet into th eir hands. It will set them stra ig h t fo r all tim e. 10c each.

V ery helpful to th o se who w ish to go forw ard into th e deep th in g s of God. The riches of th e grace of God a re se t fo rth u n d er five headings; (I ) H is Fire- touch, (2) H is H and-touch, (3) H is B reath -to u ch , (4) H is D ew -touch, (5 ) H is D ove-touch. T his sm all book will richly repay y o u r reading and heeding. P rice 15c

Is Salvation Safe?

By Keith L. Brooks Do you know that you are saved with no possible chance of ever, falling away and being lost? Is my salvation really and truly always safe? This booklet will forever set you right on the subject of election, fore-ordination and kindred themes, giving the true Scriptural teaching in regard to them. Price 25c each; $2.50 per dozen.

The Resurrection of th e Lord Jesus By D r. R. A. T orrey Gives clear an d convinc­ ing p roof of th e fa c t th a t th e resu rrectio n body of Jesu s w as th e sam e body th a t w as laid in th e tom b. If you have ever had any doubts o r m isgivings on th a t point, don’t fail to read th is logical p resen tatio n of th e facts th a t g u aran tee the actu al bodily resu rrectio n of the -Lord Jesus. 5c each.


How are the Dead Raised u p ? an d w ith w h at body do they come ? By K eith L . B rooks T here are few er subjects a b o u t w hich m ost folks know less th an a b o u t th e C h rist­ ian hope of resurrection. B ut th ey need n o t rem ain in ignorance a s th is book­ let gives a very clear o u t­ line of th e Bible teach in g on th is su b ject— gives th e d is­ tin ctio n betw een eternal ex­ istence, Life a n d Im m ortal­ ity . It will clarify y o u r thinking. 5c each.

B y D r.' A. C. Dixon The C h ristian ’s privilege of living an alw ays v ic to r­ ious life is v ery clearly set fo rth . If you w ish to know how to have v icto ry over th in g s th a t pursue— th a t w eaken; over things th a t trouble— th a t th re a te n ; over th in g s th a t hinder— th a t destroy, th is booklet will te ll' you all th a t an d m ore. 10c each; $1.00 p er dozen.

If m oney does no t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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