King's Business - 1923-05

"Best” Booklets on Various Subjects ^ Biola’s Own Presses A Bird’s Eye View of the Old Testament By Dr. T. C. Horton All the principal persons, places, and events of the ten periods of Old Testament History are tabulated in chart form so that from it you can place every prominent character and event in their proper period. Places and doc­ trines are shown in connection with the proper persons and events. The whole compiled so as to be easily committed to memory. Price, 10c each. HIM By B. M cCall B arbour HIS "B y B. M cCall B arbour FILLED

By B. McCall B arbour T his “b e st of all” little booklet on th e S p irit filled life, says, “Filled w ith the S p irit a n d overflow ing is God’s high w ater-m ark for th e C h ristian life. F o r every C hristian life w ith o u t excep­ tion,— for yours, for m ine." Buy, read, you will be greatly blessed,— p ass on to o th ers an d let them sh are the blessings. P rice 6c; 60c p er doz.

Every C hristian who has an y desire to know the deeper things, of God should read th is splendid call to th e higher sp iritu al life. Men, a re forever seeking to solve th e problem s of life, an d to find som e sa tisfa c ­ tio n from its u n re st a n d d is­ con ten t. The only solution of life's problem s is in “ H im .” P rice 6c; 60c p er doz.

“The suprem e blessedness of life is to know H im .” N ext to th a t is th e u n p a ra l­ leled privilige of realizing we are “H is.” To possess “H im ” an d to be possessed by “H im ” is th e perfection of possession. T his little booklet will prove a very definite help to you an d to all th o se th a t you p a ss it on to. P rice 6c; 60c p er doz.

The Holy Spirit in Personal Experience By Dr. R. A. Torrey

Tells not only how you may have "one along side to help’* but also how you may know for yourself the personal indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Tells how you may have real, definite fellowship with Him and how through His witness with your spirit you may keep right with God. Price 10c each. COMFORT

Perhaps To-day By B. McCall B arbour Since it is tru e th a t ou r L ord is com ing a t an y tim e for H is own, th en surely THAT IS TH E MOST IM ­ PORTANT TRU TH FOR TH IS PRESENT MOMENT. It is frau g h t w ith issues of suprem e concern, alike for those who a re “H is ow n,” and for th o se who know H im not. T his booklet show s the need of alw ays being ready for o u r L o rd ’s retu rn . P rice 6c; 60c p er doz.

COMING By B. M cCall B arbour O ne of th e m ost d elig h t­ fully w ritten booklets on the imm inent, personal retu rn of the L ord th a t we have ever seen. E very one who reads it is charm ed w ith it, an d therefore th is booklet is es­ pecially good to p u t into th e hands of those who know nothing a b o u t th e “blessed | hope” of th e Church. P rice 6c; 60c p er doz.

By B. McCall B arbour A s soothing and healing as balm , an d full of the tru e C h rist love. J u s t the booklet to p u t in to the h an d s of those who a re in sorrow . Does m ore good th an an y spoken w ord p o s­ sibly could. H ave a j su p ­ ply alw ays handy to use in cases of sudden bereave­ m ent. P rice 6c; 60c p er doz. The Birth of Jesus

Hie Incarnation of God By Dr. A. C. Dixon

This splendid little booklet on the incarnation of God is just the thing to put into the hands of those who have any doubts or misgivings as to the diety of Christ or the virgin birth. The reason for the incarnation of God in human form is very cleârly presented. The purposes of this incarnation are most convincingly portrayed. Price, 10c each. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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