King's Business - 1923-05

“Best” Booklets on Various Subjects ~ Biota’s Own Presses f r o m Must a Young Man—a Young Woman Be an Evolutionist? By Keith L. Brooks The faith of thousands of our young people is being undermined by evo­ lutionary teaching in the schools. Many Christian' young people are sorely per­ plexed, not knowing that there are dozens of scientific arguments against evolu­ tion.—in fact that the teaching of evolution is rejected by many of the leading scientists. This leaflet briefly states the arguments that refute evolution. It is adapted especially for circulation in schools. It can be readily understood by young people. • P r*ce 56 The Second Coming Df Christ By D r. R. A. T orrey The Life T h at Wins C harles G. T rum bull The Whole Christ and the Whole Bible for the Whole World By D r. A. C. Dixon

A w onderful booklet giv­ ing the experience of C harles. G. T rum bull, ed ito r of the Sunday School Tim es, in his search for th e deeper life and his g re a t joy w hen C h rist becam e real to him . It s tirs th e h e a rt w ith th e sam e deep longing th a t he had fo r th e g re a te st of all blessings th a t can com e into o u r lives by H is grace. 4c each; 40c p er dozen; $3.00 p er 100

T his booklet w as w ritten fo r th e purpose of getting people in te re sted in the coining of th e L ord an d if you know anyone th a t is n o t definitely estab ish ed in th e tru th th a t Jesu s is com ing again, th is is thf booklet to p u t in to his hands. It tells th e sto ry plainly, y e t sim ply, convinc­ ingly, satisfacto rily . 10c each; $1.00 p er dozen

T he title of th is splendid in sp iratio n al booklet is so tho ro u g h ly d escrip tiv e of its co n ten ts . th a t m uch fu rth er d e s c r i p t i o n ^ is hard ly necessary. A stirrin g appeal to C hristians w hich v ery plainly show s th e d u ty of th e hour to be w orld evangelization. 5c each; 53c p er dozen; $2.00 p er 100

Evolution Discredited By Dr. J. G. Kennedy Evolution is first defined in the language of many of its outstanding modern teachers, and then discredited by the persistent attacks of evolutionists them­ selves upon every attempt their fellow Evolutionists have made to explain it. It is discredited by the damaging admissions its foremost advocates have recently been forced to make. It is discredited by the consistent teaching of the Word of God. ___ ____________________________ Paper, 15c The New Birth By D r. R. A . T orrey How to Grow In Grace

What do we Mean by Praying through By C harles G. T rum bull T his is a booklet th a t every C hristian should read —should stu d y—^should heed. It gives th e secret of real comm union w ith God. H as been th e m eans of s tre n g th ­ ening the p ray er life of m any a n d m ay be ju s t w h at you needi 3c each; 30c p er doz.; $2.00 p er 100

By D r. R. A. T orrey M any C h ristian lives -seem to indicate a case of a r ­ rested developm ent. The teach in g se t fo rth in th is booklet will rem edy th a t condition. It tells w hat every C h ristian o u g h t to know -and y et w h at so few have successfully *learned ex­ perim entally— how to J grow in grace. R ead it— it will m ake life easier for you. 5c each; 50c p er dozen

Speak to th e o rd in ary C hristian a b o u t th e new b irth an d see how hazy his ideas a re concerning it. Keep th is booklet handy. It tells th e n a tu re of th e new b irth , its necessity, how a c ­ com plished— as set fo rth in Jo h n 3:1-21. Excellent to p u t into th e h ands of th e unsaved also. 3c each ; 30/c p e r dozen.; $2.00 p er 100 ______

Reconstruction—The Facts Against Evolution By A. C. Dixon The author says,--- "The first three verses of Genesis give us construction, destruction and reconstruction.” It is with the latter subject of the re-forming of the earth and making it a habitable jolace for mankind, that this booklet deals. By the time you have finished reading it, you wonder how you ever could have thought that evolution might have had some part m thra recon- If m oney does no t accom pany order, goods will be se" 1 _ - BIQLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. D., u n 'ess otherw ise speci If books are to com e by m ad ad d 10% tor postage.


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