King's Business - 1923-05

461 th e revelations which history and sci­ ence have made. 6. The Bible a Scientific Book. Every now and again somebody tells us th a t th e Bible is not a scientific book and therefore it is not to be blamed because of scientific errors. These apologists for the Bible wish us to believe in it and they say what they say in th e way of an apology. B u t the Bible is a scientific book. It deals w ith the g reatest of all th é sciences: th e science of hum an life. I t gives par­ ticu lar rules for individual, domestic, social, commercial, indu strial, national living. Is th e re any science so im -r p o rtan t as th e science of hum an life? Would th e science of .electrical engi­ neering, astronom ical observation, geo­ logical study be of any value to men if they did not know how to live sanely and safely among themselves? How does it hàppen th a t the schools where th e sciences are studied and advanced are all of them located in regions where th e Bible has ta u g h t men th e science of hum an life? Persons who Will re­ flect upon th is fact for a moment will see th a t th e re is no science which compares in importance w ith th is g reat science of human life, and the Bible is th e tex t book. Individuals and com­ munities who will live .according to th is book will live well and happily, and those who refuse to live according to it are compassed about w ith miseries and fall into ruin. These facts, which can easily be verified by any thought­ ful person, convince me th a t th e Bible could not have been w ritten by a hu­ man being. Some one has said th a t bad men would not have w ritten it and th a t good men could not have w ritten it. I believe these statem ents to be, not generally, b u t literally and exactly according to fact, and therefo re I say not th a t I believe th e Bible to be th e Word of God, bu t th a t I know the Bible to be th e Word of God

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S never been convicted of error. Men who do not know much about it, tell us once iii‘ a while they have caught it in a m istake, b u t when we examine th eir statem ents we find th a t it is not -the Bible which is m istaken, b u t the men who disbelieve' it. Take two or th ree instances. Consider th e san itary laws of Moses; pu t them beside th e latest discoveries of medical science. Celebrated physicians are now telling us in th e daily papers to do exactly th e things for th e life and h ealth of our people which Moses told us to do th irty -^ five hundred years ago. If Moses gave us these directions on his own au tho r­ ity an 4 because of his own knowledge, how did it come about th a t he could do such a piece of work? If God told Moses what to w rite, as Moses-says he did, th e whole m atter is plain. Con­ sider th e discoveries of archeology. Archeology is a new science. _ I t is practically w ithin th e last seventy-five or one hundred years th a t it has done all of its work, yet it is continually confirming statem ents made in the Bible and is never contradicting them. Dr. E theridge of th e B ritish Museum was' one tim e asked if th a t great mu­ seum contained any evidences th a t the Bible 'may ever be m istaken, and he said, “Not one; bu t thousands of proofs th a t the Bible is tru e .” In science we find exactly th e same thing. I th ink it was Sir Charles Lyell who said th a t some eighty different geological theo­ ries had been invented which were sup­ posed to con trad ict biblical statem ents. A few years passed and he said every one of those eighty scientific theories had been disproved and rejected, while th e Bible stood ju st where it did a t th e beginning. This is a most rem a rk ­ able fact: th a t a book w ritten so many years ago in such a dark corner of th e world, by people who were not learned in literatu re as th e Greeks and Romans were, should la st un til our tim e and be absolutely unin ju red by all

WORK IN CHINA. (See Page 481)

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