King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


who are to teach our young people in our schools are really believers, and not adroit intellectual acrobats, who camouflage th e ir scepticism, ration al­ ism, and infidelity w ith th e sacred and holy term inology of an age of faith! Unless th e sceptical preachers of to ­ day are willing' to stand condemned be­ fore th e world of a subtle bu t real dis­ honesty, let them step out of th e Chris­ tian pulpit and carry forw ard th e ir propaganda frankly, and honestly, as Colonel Ingersoll did, in th e open. And let th e rationalistic professors in our sem inaries and colleges get to­ gether, organize th eir own schools, and raise th e ir own money for them . Then, all people can a t least respect them as men, even though they dissent from th eir views. But no honest man can fully respect another man who eats the bread of an in stitu tion or a denom ina­ tion while he is engaged in destroy­ ing the very foundations upon which th a t in stitu tion or denom ination stands. aas aè§■ in P ro testan t churches, who today be­ lieve th a t the Word of God can be righ tly understood and expounded only by those who have been educated in theological sem inaries. The Word of th e living God is in conflict w ith such a belief. A man may be fam iliar w ith all the dead languages, may be thoroughly in ­ structed in the physical sciences, and may have a complete knowledge of lit­ era tu re ; but, if th is is all, he can no more understand the Holy Scriptures th a n th e King of the Cannibal Islands, not one whit! See Job 12:17; Ps. 92 :5 ; Isa. 40:28; 55 :9 ; Rom. 11:33; 1 Cor. 1:18-21; 2:9, 14. By th e aid of th e Holy Spirit, the

men loyal to tlie tru th as they und er­ stand It, for th e propagation of th a t tru th . Would it be ‘intellectual hon­ esty’ for a professor appointed to teach th e economic wisdom of free tra d e to tu rn his chair into a seat of in stru c­ tion in favor of protection? If a man th ink s he has a special message to deliver as to any question, economic, theological, or other, let him deliver it by all means, bu t a t his own charges, or of those who agree w ith him, not a t th e expense of those who hold him to be w rong.” W hat Shall Be Bone About I t? Our denom ination certainly ought to rid itself of th e duplicity, th e dishon­ esty, the hypocrisy and the sham th a t deals in these ways w ith holy things. The radicals and liberals and rationalists of today in our denom ination ought to be so cornered th a t they will be made to call a spade a spade. And the tim e has come when we ought to know, as we did know in other days, if those

Give Us God’s Word

By L. W. Munhall, D. D., Editor Eastern Methodist

jHB secret of the success of the Reformation was not, as nearly all are inclined to be­ lieve, in the ringing w ar cry

-—“ Justification by fa ith !” Back of th is glorious and most gracious tru th lay th e tru e reason, viz.: Giving the Word of God to the people. Rome held, as now, th a t only the priests educated in her schools were competent to read and expound th e Scriptures. L uther broke the chain th a t bound th e sacred volume, and henceforth it was to be ju st as free to the common people as to th e ecclesiastics, A knowl­ edge of th e doctrine of justification by faith was only incidental to th is fact. There are many, high in au tho rity

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