King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


Again, th e Biblical solution has its scientific importance, because as a hy­ pothesis it affords an adequate explana­ tion of the universe as a whole and of all its diversified phenomena, including th e ratio n al personalities who dwell upon th e earth . T hat is tru e satisfac­ tion for th e scientific mind. Not only so, but the doctrine of divine creation gives us th e unifying principle th a t we need in philosophy to explain th e uni­ verse. The chief province and problem of philosophy is to find th a t principle of unity. According to th e Biblical world-view, th e unifying principle is> posited in th e single personality of th e C reator, who holds tog ether all th e di­ versity of th e cosmos in the unity of one plan and purpose and organism . ' The philosophic m ind seeks in vain elsewhere outside th e Bible for an adequate way to account for th e uni­ verse w ith all its variety. The Biblical doctrine of th e genesis of man is also most com forting and rational. The creation of man in the divine image assigns a noble origin for man, not an ignoble and beastly one. It is uplifting, too, to feel th at, since God created man in His own

likeness, a sentient, ration al, self-con­ scious being, God cares for man, does not forsake His own offspring; if he falls into sin and trouble, his Maker will come to him, try to rescue him, and bring him back to his original estate in pure and holy fellowship w ith H im ­ self. Made in th e image of God, each one of us can exclaim joyously, “ I am th e child of a King— yea, of th e King of kings and th e Lord of lo rd s!” This conception means th a t the Almighty and gracious Sovereign of th e universe has stamped on each ration al being an infinite and imm ortal value. Hence we can see how reasonable and con­ gruous it was for th e F a th e r to send even His etern al Son into th e world to rescue man, whom He had created in His own image. Thus it will be seen th a t th e Biblical solution of the problem of origins ex­ plains the otherw ise inexplicable. The doctrine of redemption and eternal des­ tiny fits in w ith th e doctrine of crea­ tion. The Bible teaching is an organ­ ism, a unity. The P aradise created and lost in Genesis is restored in Reve­ lation. W hat comfort! W hat joy!

W hat “ sweet reasonableness!” n n m The Onlÿ Book ISJe^er O jf the Press

By Frank H. Mann, Sec’y. American Bible Society

JOUR hundred and sixty-seven years ago th e first book was printed from movable type. T hat book was the Bible and

four centuries. Yet if all th e Bibles p rin ted in all the years since p rinting was invented were available today, th ere would not be enough to supply the world’s present population. The present ra te of production of Bibles is not as g reat as the b irth rate. Large portions of th e population of the world are still unable to get th e whole Bible or even a main p art in th e ir native tongue. It must be said to th e credit of th e Church th a t a vast work ha? been done in giving th e Bible to th e world. In

it took five years to complete th e task. One of these books sold recently for $50,000. Today g reat presses printing for th e American Bible Society are tu rn ing off copies of the Gospels a t the rate of 10,000 an hour to be sold any­ where in the whole world for one cent each. In the intervening years the Bible has never been off the press. It has had a steady ru n for more th a n

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