King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


whole or in p art th e Bible has been Nor have the stew ards of g reat tran slated into 770 languages or dia- w ealth seemed to realize the unlim ited lects. During th e past decade th e opportunity for far-reaching service Bible has appeared in a new language presented by th e Bible program . The on an average of every six weeks. In really conspicuous gifts made during th e past century some 550,000,000 the first hundred years of- th is work copies of th e Scriptures have been pre- could be counted in th e proverbial way pared by the Bible Societies. Millions on th e fingers of one hand. No one of dollars have been given by th e has come forw ard to create a founda- Church for- th is g reat task. Thousands tion for Bible circulation as has been of consecrated men have given them - done in behalf of other w orthy enter- selves in sacrificial service. prises such as public health, education, But still th e fact rem ains th a t th e ' music, lite ra tu re and art. A fter a cen- Book is undelivered. When th e Bible tu ry of operation, th e to tal endowment Societies are asked for an explanation, . of th e American Bible Society, which th e ir answer is immediate, direct and is second in importance to no other simple: “ It could be delivered in hun- American in stitu tion , is less th a n two dreds of languages to millions of peo- millions of dollars yielding an income pie if paid for.” It is merely a m a tte r *of less than $100,000. May God stir of dollars and cents. The scholarship the h earts of those whom He has richly of th e Church is equal to th e gigantic endowed w ith m aterial things to see ta sk of tran slation if it can only be th is work as an opportunity fraugh t made available. The m ills are equip- w ith vast possibility for hum an bet- ped to furnish th e paper and th e term en t and spiritua,! advancement, The Bible is th e oldest book in the literal sense all th a t is w anting is world. A portion of it was old when money to finance the venture. Cecrops- founded Egypt. The Book of No phase of th e Church’s ta sk is so Job had been w ritten th re e thousand basic as th a t of giving th e Bible to 1 years when Chaucer opened th e springs all men' everywhere. It is probable of “ English undefiled.” The Book of tha^t no o ther phase of th e Church’s R u th was 2,500 years old when Amer- work produces so large a re tu rn for th e ica was discovered. Yet th e re are same am ount of money and service, hundreds of m illions of people who And yet th e Church has never, given read th e ir Bibles daily and find them as generously to th is p a rt of its work fresh as the break of day. This is as it has to o ther branches of its mis- because th e Bible was adjusted, in the sionary program . The percentage de- beginning, to all vicissitudes of tim e voted to Bible work in th e benevolent and to all th e progress of coming ages, program of the Church as a whole is Its tru th s, its ethical precepts, its ex- not something of which th e Church may ceeding great and precious promises boast. If a- g reat wave of generosity are like O riental spices, which th e more were, to sweep the Church in behalf of they are rubbed give fo rth th e more the Bible Cause, it; would bring a re- fra g ra n t sweetness. The gospel is vival of sp iritu al life to her member- “ good news.” It is as fresh as when ship. This th ing is fundam ental to the evangel first came to paradise. I t th e Church's success as a sp iritu al is th e latest news from th e heaven of force in th e world. a loving God.—-The Bible in New York. REMARKABLE RESULTS FROM presses to p rin t th e sacred words if only funds are a t hand to meet th e expenses. The man power and woman power of the Church are adequate for the task of distribution. In the most ^ THE OLDEST BOOK

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