King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


MAN’S BEL IEF IN CHRIST. My study of n atu re has certainly widened and enlightened my religious faith .” j MC

ened It. But they have certainly illus­ tra te d it. THERE IS NO NEED OF ANYTHING TO STRENGTHEN A

8Ü as as as The Evolution Delusion

By A. W. Cornwall, D. D., England

fNE of th e most demoralizing | features of Destructive H igher Criticism, is th e fact th a t it 1is based on the assumption of

Sir J. W. Dawson, in his “Meeting Place of Geology and H istory,” says: “There can be no doubt th a t th e order of creation as revealed in th e first chapter of Genesis, corresponds w ith the results of Astronom ical and Geological research, in a m anner which cannot be accidental.” Prof. Bickerton, has re­ cently stated in a lecture in London th a t afte r 60 years experience ' as a Scientist, he has ju st discovered th a t the ea rth is older th an th e sun, thus confirming th e much controverted tru th in Genesis th a t th e sun was made afte r th e earth . Scientists now claim th a t under certain conditions th e earth is self luminous. Another em inent scientist says: “Fossils are not sufficient to determ ine a geological epoch. Recent p etri­ factions in our present seas are anal­ ogous to those supposed to be of geo­ logical times. Fossils, for the age of which 20,000 or more years were claimed, can now be produced in less th a n a century so th a t when we read of pre-historic th is and th e other, we need to guard oursèlves against wild and unreliable speculations, which are palmed upon a credulous world as es­ tablished tru th s.” This strik ing te sti­ mony by men of science is a direct challenge to th e Evolution theory, and shows th e folly of subordinating the E tern al tru th of God’s Word, to th e mere speculative theories of “ Science falsely so called.” While fully recognizing th e invalu­ able service rendered by science in confirming revealed tru th , it is well

the soul destroying, God dishonoring Evolution theory, a theory which th e Rev. S. Chadwick has recently de­ clared in his opinion to be “ th e g reat­ est delusion ever foisted on m ankind.” There are several cogent reasons for regarding th e Evolution craze as an u tte r delusion and snare. F irs t: be­ cause it is a palpable contradiction of the Word of God, which clearly states th a t man was made in th e Divine im ­ age, at a fixed period of time. “Let us make man in our own image.” . I t is not surprising th a t the unbelieving, and rebellious h ea rt of man should re­ ject th e Bible account of his Divine origin, in favour of a cunningly de­ vised theory even though uncomplimen­ ta ry to' himself, and dishonoring to God. Such an a ttitu d e of h eart and m ind is plainly foretold in th e Scrip­ tures. “Lo, th is one thing have I found, th a t God created man upright, b u t he has sought out many inventions.” Another reason for discrediting th e Evolution phantom , is because its teaching is based on mere speculative theories, and scientific guesswork, and does not rep resen t the assured results of science. As a m arked contrast to th e fantastic dreams and fertile im ­ agination of th e Evolutionist H igher Critic concerning th e age of th e earth and origin of man, th e following weighty testim ony by em inent scien­ tists will be of special interest.

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