King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S known th a t science is in a sta te of flux, and is constantly changing so th a t what is claimed to he a scientific fact today, may not be a scientific fact years hence. Evidence of th is may be ob­ tained from th e contents of a second hand book stall, where scientific tre a t­ ises which once claimed to have solved th e problem of the universe, and dis­ proved the Bible, are now discounted as dead knowledge, while “ th e Word of the Lord endureth forever.” A fu rth e r proof of th e Evolution de­


lusion and, to some minds, th e most im portant, and convincing of all, is the testim ony of Revival and th e fru its of Evangelism . In spite of th e hindrance to th e gospel through m aterialistic doubt and unbelief, th e revival is spreading in G reat B ritain, and th o u ­ sands created in the image of God, bu t disfigured by sin are being made into new creations in Christ Jesus, thu s proving th a t God’s Word is tru e every whit, and th a t “ th e Gospel is th e power of God unto salvation to everyone th a t believeth.” By the Late James H. Brookes, D. D. Hence any intelligent Christian who chooses to employ a physician, may recognize his dependence upon God, and pray to God, and exercise faith in God, as tru ly as one who prefers to dis­ pense w ith all remedial agencies and hum an instrum entalities. Looked a t in the light of Scripture, th ere is nothing to sustain th e extreme position of many faith-cure people. Adm itting all th a t they claim it does not follow th a t every Christian pos­ sesses th e gift of healing. The in­ spired Scriptures say, “To one is given, by th e Spirit, th e word of wisdom. . . to ano ther the gifts of healing, by the same Spirit; to ano ther the working of m iracles; to ano th er prophecy, (1 Cor. 12:8-11). Yet is said over and over th a t it is lack of faith, or some unforsaken sin, or an “ unsurrendered w ill,” which is keeping Christians sick, thu s grieving and hu rting many a weak and p atien t saint, who is called to glorify God on a bed of suffering. All of th is ta lk is bosh, and it makes one indignant to hear these self-righteous judges of th e sick children, who may be looking up to th e ir F ath e r with

T is sad to know th a t healing by faith, th a t is sometimes ex­ ercised by th e operator alone, and sometimes is demanded of

the p atien t as a condition precedent to the cure, th a t is sometimes accom­ panied by anointing w ith oil, and some­ times w ith th e laying on of hands, seems to be established as a kind of business. There are undoubtedly godly men and women who are carrying for­ w ard this business, and hence weak Christians need to be more on th eir guard against a phase of belief which th reaten s serious dishonor to th e Lord, and serious d isaster to souls. Probably no child of God needs to be inform ed th a t sickness belongs to th e proper province of prayer, cer­ tain ly as much as anything beside. Probably no child of God is ever sick, or ever has a dear one sick, w ithout going to our F a th e r about it, waiting upon H im in faith. Probably no child of God ever sends for a medical man, w ithout th e reflection th a t, ap a rt from God’s blessing, th e man will have no wisdom to make a correct diagnosis of the case, or to select th e rig h t rem e­ dies, or to be of the slightest value.

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