King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S n arrate s a deluge which, following upon a period of g reat drought, swept th e hum an family out of existence, w ith the exception of a few who were saved in “ a ship.” This inscription is distinc­ tive in two respects: (1) it tells of a judgm ent of fam ine preceding th e flood (on th is see Gen. 8 :2 2 ); and (2) it is a Semitic dialect. This la tte r fact is of capital importance, as showing th a t, Contrary to the views th a t have become prevalent during recent dec­ ades, th e Biblical account of th e Deluge has come to us from a Hebrew source, and not as derived from Babylonian tradition. E sth e r’s Existence P roved “Until recently,” says a w riter in The P athfinder, “ th ere had never been any tangible proof of E sth e r’s exis­ tence outside of th e Bible narrative. However, archaeologists are tra n sla t­ ing recently-found inscriptions which are expected to au then ticate th e ro­ mantic story- in every particular., A collection of ruins south of Dizful, in w est-central P ersia, is all th a t remains of th e ancient city of Shushan. Here Darius I. is supposed to have bu ilt the gorgeous palace in which th e beautiful Jewess ruled and in which was played th e rom antic dram a told of in the Scriptures. Though . archaeologists have frequently visited and worked about the ruins, it was only re­ cently th a t a F rench expedition which numbered several Americans unearthed evidence to show th a t th e largest of the ru in s was the long lost palace.” ■

479 BIBLELESS CHURCH MEMBERS Susan H ubbard M artin in a poem en­ titled “The R eader” gives a good de­ scription of th e non-Bible- reading church member: She read the Jo u rn al and th e News, The Green Book and th e Red; She kept th e serials of the month Securely in h er head. She went through books both old and new, Best sellers, too, she though t; She read th e jokes and studied styles; No item went for naught. She read th e sporting page; she knew Each ath lete by his name; She read of baseball, football, golf; F am iliar w ith each game. She looked the funny paper th rough ; She watched th e mails to seize The magazine she liked th e best, Whose columns most did please. But in h er house th ere was a Book W ith pages never turned, Whose messages of tru th and hope Were still by her unlearned— The Book th a t tells of Him who came To earth th a t we m ight know The beauty of a sinless life, Lived here so long ago. W hat pity ’tis she does not know This Man of Galilee,' Who healed the lame, th e blind, th e deaf, Beside th e sapphire sea! And still she reads and laughs and cries O’er stories of the hour, And_ lets th e Book, dust-covered, lie Unopened in its power. And still th e Book, dust-covered, lies, Its pages never tu rn ed ;

FORM O F B EQU EST TO T H E B IB L E IN ST ITU TE I give and bequeath to Bible Institute o f L o s Angeles, incorporated under the laws of the State of California ......................................... Dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the B oard of Directors of said Bible Institute of L o s A ngeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises.

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