King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


the child to be born was of the house of David and named Josiah. The specific thing he was to do was to burn th e bones of th e priests on the a ltar at Bethel. “Was th is prophecy ever fulfilled? Turn to 2 K ings 23:15, 16, which reads, ‘Moreover the a lta r th a t was a t Bethel, and the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, had made, both th a t a lta r and the high place he broke down, and burned the high place, and stamped it small to powder; and burned th e grove. And as Josiah tu rn ed himself, he spied the sepulchres th a t were th ere in th e mount, and sent, and took th e bones out of the sepulchres, and burned them upon the altar, and polluted it, according to the word of the Lord which th e man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.’ “This was 624 B. C., or 351 years afte r th e prophecy was spoken. Notice it is th e same a lta r a t Bethel, one Jero ­ boam made, and Josiah of th e house of David perform ing. Could prophecy be more literally fulfilled? There are others as strik ing as this. Take the case of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on an ass, (Matt. 21:5) and th e prophecy concerning th is en try by th e prophet (Zech. 9 :9 ). Read th e fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, which reads like a history of th e crucifixion, and yet this was hundreds of years before Jesus was born. “Yes, fulfilled prophecy is th e strong ­ est proof th a t th e Bible is th e inspired and infallible word of God.” ■^iiniwHiiaj[iH!)jtni]!ismiijiuiiiuiinniiiiitui9iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiuiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiii(niiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiu!i^ KNOW YOUR BIBLE ] | Our Correspondence Bible §

Its messages of tru th and hope Are by her yet unlearned. And shall we not a lesson glean F rom readers such as she; And let our favorite Book be th is— The Man of Galilee?

PROPHECY PROVES IT “ It is one thing to 'm a k e a claim and quite ano ther thing to prove it,” says Rev. Wm. D. Nowlin, of Kentucky, in a sermon. “ It has been shown th a t th e Bible claims to be inspired, bu t is th is claim verified? The b est proof, I ta k e it, th a t th e Bible is in sp ired is fulfilled prophecy. If some man should prophesy th a t many generations from now a child should be born, Theodore Brown by name, and th a t he would be­ come Governor of K entucky and th a t while in th is office he would tak e all the prisoners from the S tate Prison and burn them a t the stake, and if th a t th ing should be literally fulfilled hun­ dreds of years from now, don’t you suppose th a t th e people then living, and knowing of the prophecy, would say, ‘That man was inspired, for God alone knows what is going .to tak e place hundreds of years in the fu tu re .’ “But does God’s Book give as plain a case of fulfilled prophecy as th a t? It certainly does. The prophecy is 1 k in g s ' 13:1, 2, which reads, ‘And be­ hold, th ere came a man of God out of Judah by th e word of th e Lord unto Bethel : and Jeroboam stood by • th e a lta r to burn incense. And he cried against the a lta r in the word of the Lord, and said, O altar, altar, thus saith the Lord, Behold a child shall be born unto th e house of David, Josiah by name; and upon thee shall he offer th e priests of the high places th a t bu rn incense upon thee, and men’s bones ¿ball be bu rn t upon thee.’ ; “The date of th is prophecy is 975 B. ® Notice the a lta r was a t Bethel and

| courses are no longer an ex- § | periment. S e v e n s t r o n g j | courses offered ranging in price | | from $2 to $5. A sk fo r de- j | scriptive circular. ^iiHuiiiiuuii»Hiy)iuiiMuiiiii.Hiiuaj'mjLiiu!iniuuiHHiiiyuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiNiuiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiijitiiiP A CHANCE TO HELP THE K. B.—A

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