King's Business - 1923-05


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

they h a v e . left us we have continued in th e faith and are growing. Some of us went on w ith the band to th eir next stopping place to give our testi­ monies there. Eleven souls in my own close connection have tu rn ed to God. Truly th is is the work of God’s grace.” Mr. Huang goes on to give several other incidents testifying to the power of prayer a n d -to the power of God to deliver from sin and illu strating the way in which consciences once hard are by the Holy Spirit made very ten­ der. As we th ink of th is rem arkable testimony and of the men who are spending th e ir tim e going into homes w ith the gospel, m ight we not th ink of th e leader of th e band as w riting something like th is to Mr. Huang? “For they themselves repo rt concern­ ing us what m anner of entering in we had unto you; and how ye tu rn ed unto God from idols, to serve a living and tru e God, and to w ait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, who delivereth us from th e w rath to come.” (1 Thes. 1 :9 -1 0 ). W ith cordial regards, T ruly yours, W alter T. Steven. & m IT MUST BE FROM GOD Dr. J'ames O rr says, “W hat impresses me most, in reading the Bible, is th e consciousness of God; th a t though the words were w ritten over two thousand years ago, they are spoken to me w ith a freshness each day; they are ever new. It is this deep, vivid conscious­ ness of God th a t distinguishes: tne Bible from a ll o ther books. I t is th e only book I have ever read of which I am conscious th a t the words are not the thoughts of men.” 1 GET STARTED IN BIBLE STUDY J Our Correspondence Course | | fo r BIBLE BEGINNERS has | | given hundreds just th e lift § | they needed. The cost is only § | $2 complete, giving full privi- | | leges of th e Correspondence | | School and certificate a t com- § 1 : pletion. ; J nnihili{iiiriuiil>siiiiHiiuiiii]iiliHiisiiii]iiiiiiHiiiiui!Hiiiiiniiiii!iii!iiiiiiii]iiiiiiuiiiiiiii]iiiiiii]ii!iiiniuii^

(F rom th e left: Mr. & M rs. C hester R u t­ ledge; M iss G riw ing, Rev. C. A. R oberts and his m o th er (M r. R oberts h as recently been added to th e staff of w o rk ers), M rs. F rank A. K eller an d M rs. M artha G. K eller (m other of D r. K eller, aged 86). “ But I am not the ¡only ohe who has been blessed. My nephew An Ts’uen has been a wicked and h ard hearted young man. His mother came to the band leader and asked prayer for him saying th a t if they could win An Ts’uen the whole fam ily would tu rn to the Lord. F o r several days the workers prayed and then for no ap­ paren t reason the young man retu rn ed to his home, attended the meetings, repented and was tru ly converted. An almost sim ilar chse was th a t of his brother, who like myself was an opium fiend. His wife and his m other had often pled w ith him to leave his wicked ways but w ithout success. Then the band leader’s atten tion was called, to the man and the whole band started to pray for him. He too was tru ly converted and afterw ards said th a t the first tim e these men prayed for him he felt as though they had poured cold w ater over him. How th ank fu l he has since been for those prayers! “A fter th e band had been w ith us for fifty days th e re were a t least sev­ enty persons who had turned to the Lord and who were meeting together for worship and for Bible study. Since

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