King's Business - 1923-05

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Evangelistic Department u \ l ì IN T E R E S T IN G STO R IE S from R E A L EXPER IENCE iS A S T O L D BY B I B L E I N S T I T U T E W O R K E R S , Hi BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mr» Lyman Stewart, Supt. — Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, B ible C lasses, an d Soul W inning Clubs. BIBLE WOMEN'S WORK are working earnestly to bring the other girls to Him.

Lyceum -Eteri Clubs F o r Business Girls

In another town a m inister’s wife said, “You would be surprised to know w hat a place the E te ri Club holds in this Community. Everywhere you go, you h ear men, women and young peo­ ple talk ing about it. The Club can have anything it w ants here.” One E teri girl went to work in a home and talked E teri Club so much th a t the daugh ter in the home decided to find out what it was like. She, too, became an enthusiastic member and also began to attend church services and brought th e whole family w ith her. L ast week at one of th e classes four girls stayed afte r class and asked the teacher if she would show them the way of life. Each one definitely gave her h ea rt to th e Lord and took Him for h er all sufficient Saviour. Two of these girls were Catholics, one a Chris­ tian Scientist and th e other a L atter ■Day Saint. Several weeks ago a little gram ­ m ar school girl gave h er h ea rt to the Lord in th e class. Since th en she has been doing business fo r th e Lord. She has brought several other girls to the class and they too have given th e ir h earts to Him. She loves to ta lk to her playmates about the Lord Jesus and what He has done fo r her. One en tire class of G rammar school girls have been doing definite Personal Work in th a t they have the names of from two to six unsaved girls on th eir prayer lists and pray for them every day un til they accept th e Lord Jesus as th eir Saviour. In th is way th e class has grown from eight members to th irty one, all working for th e Lord. EUODIA CLUB F o r H igh School Girls

URING Christmas holidays a two days Conference for Ly­ ceum -E teri was held in the Lyceum Club rooms a t the

Bible In stitu te. The stud en ts who were away on th e ir vacation kindly loaned th e ir rooms in which to en ter­ ta in out of town delegatés and many girls had th é privilege of coming really in touch w ith th e In stitu te which had been only a name to them before. Over one hundred girls from th e eight out of town Clubs were present besides th e Lyceum girls from Los Angeles. The tim e was crowded full of good things from the sunrise meeting on th e roof of th e B. I.. a t seven A. M. un til the Good-night devotional around the Camp fire a t night. Some consecrated th e ir lives for definite Christian ser­ vice and went home, not to w ait for a fu tu re day to begin Christian ser­ vice, bu t to sta rt Bible Classes among younger girls rig h t away. Others car­ ried back a new sp iritual vision which b ro ugh t'n ew sp iritu al life to th e whole Club. Now th e girls are counting the weeks un til tim e for th e Summer Con­ ference to be held th e last of June or first of July. We are much gratified by the hearty cooperation th e m inisters are showing the Clubs in many places. Several pastors are requesting th a t Clubs be sta rted in th e ir towns to get hold of th e girls th e churches are unable to reach, for th e Club idea appeals to even the unsaved. One of th e newer Clubs, composed mostly of unsaved girls, has a most enthusiastic and loyal membership— the girls them ­ selves getting th e suppers and en ter­ ing h eartily into all th e work. Best of all, some have accepted Christ and

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