King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt. — Gospel M eetings an d H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 Mexicans in Los A ngeles an d V icinity,

Saviour. His wife related to me his cruelty to her and how he d rank and gambled not only his earnings bu t hers too, for she had to work to feed and clothe the family. But now she is so happy because her husband is a chang­ ed man and now when he comes home from work ju st reads the Bible until ten or eleven a t night. The work tra in moved on to Zelzah and it was our privilege to make them a pastoral visit. They were very happy to see us an d tru ly the glory of God shone in th e ir faces. Lucio said to us, “Oh, I feel as though I were a m illionaire though I haven’t a cent in the house. I am so happy and con­ tent. I don’t w ant money, I want the joy of salvation instead.” He then told us th a t while he was w ith the work tra in about tw enty men and women would come to th e ir car every night, and ask him to read to them out of the Bihle. (He has been left at a section tem porarily.), Not con­ te n t w ith having salvation himself, he visited all th e fam ilies and talked w ith them . Some came into his room while we were th ere and heard th e message. We had some Bibles w ith us and Lucio said, “ I w ant to buy one,” and then gave one of th e men who was in te r­ ested th e Bible he had ju st bought. Surely these Mexican converts make a lot of us American Christians ashamed. Healed Through P ray er We found th a t one of the believers out in one of the camps had been suf­ fering w ith fever for some tim e and was quite discouraged. He said he had asked th e Lord to restore him to health, bu t no answer seemed to come. So w ith another convert we asked God to restore th is sick one to h ealth in order to convince th e unbelievers who were in the same room. Two weeks later he gave a glowing testimony th a t God had healed him, and he has been well and working ever since, and, the unbelievers adm itted it' was the power of God. Converts’ Rally

“Not by m ight, nor by power, bu t by my Spirit, saith th e Lord of hosts.” H OW we rejoice th a t God has given us His Holy Spirit, “to convict th e world of sin, of righteousness and of judg­ bu t th e work of th e Holy Spirit. God has blessed our weekly Bible class a t Biola H all by the conversion of several men th e past month. One casé stands ou t prom inently. One of th e students who stands a t th e entrance giving out invitations and tracts to th e Mexicans passing by handed a card to a young man who stopped to read it, bu t having a special errand could not come in. However, th e following week he came and said he had been looking around for. some tim e for a place where he could study the Bible. A fter our Bible study we asked him if he had ever definitely accepted th e Lord and he said he had not. We asked him if he did not w ant to take Him now and he said yes, só we knelt together and prayed, and on rising to our feet he astonished- us by taking out his pocket-book saying, “ I have been reading th e Bible and find the Good Book says, ‘Upon th e first day of th e week, let every one of you lay by him in store, as God h a th 'p ro s ­ pered him ,’ and I w ant to contribute th is ’ dollar tow ard th e wórk of the Lord.” . Dear reader, this' young man not only read and followed these instructions, bu t th a t night a c c e p t e d Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. He not only attend s our Bible classes, bu t has become a w orker for th e Lord, accom­ panying th e students and giving his public testimony in th e stree t meet­ ings. Surely th is is a fine piece of work by God’s Holy Spirit. A Changed Man Another case is th a t of a friend of one of our recent converts whom we visited on th e la tte r’s invitation. He was living on a work tra in stationed n ear Eagle Rock. We invited him to attend our Bible class and on th e fol­ lowing Wednesday he came to Biola H all and th ere w ith his wife and daughter and cousin accepted the

m ent,” for th e following incidents which we are privileged to rela te are

The first Sunday of March we had a Converts’ Rally,, having an all-day meeting a t El Monte, th e converts com­ ing from seven different places. At one of our meetings it was decided to ITS WORTH LOOKING INTO. WHAT? OUR PLAN

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