King's Business - 1923-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Lord’s day. Besides our services every night except Saturday, we have six or seven meetings every Sunday, both in­ door and outdoor. Unless we have a tru ck a t our disposal many of these meetings will have to be suspended during th e summer months. W ill you not pray for the converts th a t they may grow in grace and in th e knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and th a t many shall be added to His body, the Church, and to Him we will ascribe all th e glory.

gath er th e offerings month by month for th e purpose 'of buying a tru ck so th e converts m ight hold th ree or four outdoor meetings in Mexican colonies. We have a t present two volunteer ma­ chines given by students, bu t when school closes we shall not have the use of these, hence th e proposal to have a tru ck of our own, in order th a t the converts may keep busy in spread­ ing the Gospel. At th e present time we have a force of eight students and four converts who are- helping on th e

^ ^ WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A . Vaus, Supt. — Bible classes an d P ersonal W ork, S treet M eetings a n d Sem i-M onthly M ass M eetings for Jew s of Los Angeles.

a t what some of your Christians have done to me.” W ith both hands she to re h er waist ap a rt exposing a g reat ugly scar about two inches wide ex­ tending from the neck nearly to the waistline. “ I received th a t scar,” she said, “ for refusing to repeat th e name of Jesus,” and she added “I would have died before I would have said it.” Terrible Scenes in Russia She then went on to describe some of th e terrib le scenes she had w it­ nessed, as the soldiers marched down th e streets carrying aloft large ban­ ners bearing th e name of Jesus and compelling th e Jews to kneel down to these banners and repeat th e name of Jesus on pain of death if they refused. Children were literally to rn asunder limb from limb and o th er unspeak­ ably' revolting atrocities were commit­ ted pn h er own flesh and blood before her very eyes. Is it any wonder th a t she is filled w ith bitterness tow ard Christianity? We earnestly request th e prayers of our readers for th is Jewess, th a t she may have her prejudices against Chris­ tian ity broken down by becoming ac­ quainted w ith real Christianity and the real Jesus. In spite of her terrib le ou tbu rst she finally calmed down afnd God used the w orker’s deep sympathy and real Chris­ tian love to make a very favorable impression on th e h eart of th is poor Jewess, who to th is day is an invalid by reason of her terrib le experiences.

one considers how much Jew has suffered a t the Is of th e “ so-called” stian, th e wonder is th a t

they are not even more prejudiced against Christianity th a n they are. One of our Hebrew -Christian work­ ers recently called a t th e home of a Jewish lady w ith th e purpose of form ­ ing her acquaintance and, if possible, persuading her to attend one of our Jew ish meetings. The conversation th a t followed disclosed one of th e sad­ dest stories we have heard in many years. Though we have known of the cruel persecutions and massacres of Jews in Russia and Poland during the past few years, yet to be brought in personal contact w ith a victim of one of those massaeres is shocking in th e extreme. She was an exceptionally or­ thodox Jewess *and was conscientiously seeking to follow th e trad ition s of the F ath e rs and so earnest and sincere was she th a t one could not bu t adm ire her for her loyalty to her convictions. On th e tu rn of the conversation to sp iritu al things she became g reatly ex­ cited, very vehement and b itter in her denunciation of Christians and Chris­ tianity. In th e m idst of her tirad e and w ith words fairly w ithering in th e ir sarcasm she said, “ Yes,— Look here


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