King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.— M eetings held in shops, factories, car-b a rn s an d fire engine houses in Los A ngeles.

“You know so often people w ait until it is too late to do and say th e kind and thoughtful things, and then it only adds to th e sorrow because one thinks if they had only shown a little kind­ ness when it would have done so much good. T h at is why I w ant to th ank you so much for your letter, because it made my husband so much happier. “He is b etter th an he was, bu t the d o c to r. says it will be a t least six months, if not longer, before he will be able to work again. “ It really seems as if God must have pu t it in your h ea rt to w rite. It may seem a small th ing to you, bu t if you knew how much good it did, I am sure it would encourage you in your work of helping others. “My husband has been off so much on account of sickness th a t it has made people more or less accustomed to his being away, and then we realize how busy th e men are and how tired, and we have not expected them to call or inquire, b u t when one does as you did, it is doubly appreciated. “Thank you so much for your kind offer of assistance and perhaps when my husband is b etter he can be of some service to you in your w ork.” Does th e Shop Work mean anything to th e men? Let th is le tte r answer. We covet your prayers th a t it may all be equally effective for God. ed to Christ. The th rill which went through th e h ea rt of th e listener was blessed indeed on hearing he had been th e humble in strum en t used of the Spirit of God. The man had come and gone, all trace of him had been lost and Satan had whispered, “Only another profession w ithout possession.” “Cast thy bread upon th e w aters

N considering the work which we have been enabled, by God’s grace, to accomplish we are impressed w ith the many factors which influence in a very practical way the attendance a t the meetings. Really getting acquainted w ith the men is one of th e g reatest assets th a t we have in making good in th is very im portant work. To do th is we make visits to the men’s homes, especially when they are ill and follow them by le tte r as we have opportunity. Oftimes during these visits we have the privilege of leading them to Christ or fu rth e r out into th e light, and some times receive a g reater blessing th an we ourselves have been able to give. When we become so busy th a t we are unable, to visit, then a per­ sonal le tte r has to tak e its place, the replies to which are often an encour­ agement, and a real blessing to us. The Men Appreciate The following le tte r received ju st a few days ago from a man who has been ill for some time, shows his. apprecia­ tion: “Dear Mr. Reynolds: — .“T w ant to th ank you so much for th e kind le tte r you sent my husband. He appreciated it so much, and asked me to w rite and tell you so.

n n n BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission for Men in th e center of Los A ngeles. M eetings, continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting.

w riter was invited to take i service a t th e inaugura- n of a new church recently, th e way home th e pastor

spoke gratefully of one man who had been very helpful to him in the work. This man had been th e 'subject of prayers by his Christian wife for many years, bu t while fo rtune smiled on him God was forgotten. Despondent and alone in th is g reat city he was sent to Biola H all to find work. Se­ curing this, the claims of th e Son of God were presented w ith the resu lt of a complete breaking down, and since th a t memorable day his life was yield-

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