King's Business - 1923-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S by Biola H all he heard one lone man witnessing for Christ. The Spirit of God drew him in ; he was faithfully dealt with, down on his knees he drop­ ped and yielding to Christ he rose a saved and happy man to w ire home. A t once all h atred was gone while he was praying. He freely forgave th e man and left intending to bring up his th ree boys in God’s ways w ith the prayer th a t they m ight be set aside to preach th e Gospel. “He tu rn ed my darkness into light, This blessed Lamb of Calvary.” Never Bead th e Bible One poor man had been brought up to believe th a t it was a sin to read the Bihle. His special brand of re­ ligion had driven him from home,, wife and four children. Fo r over a year and a half he had never even w ritten to them . That n igh t when th e Gos­ pel was received in his h ea rt he a t flOW and then we have th e op­ po rtun ity of seeing and reap­ ing fru it from seed sown by ourselves or by others months and years earlier. Some months past we visited a ves­ sel from England and were told by some of th é men th a t the doctor on board was a Christian and was th e man we ought to talk with. Very often men send us to the worst infidel on board seeking to make a fool out of us, bu t we are always glad to be­ come a fool in order to preach th e gos­ pel. We know th a t th e preaching of th e cross is to them th a t perish, foolish­ ness, bu t unto us th a t are saved it is th e power of God unto salvation. The doctor was ashore bu t we left a good supply of literatu re. Several weeks la ter we received a le tte r from th e doctor requesting us to send a Bible to a man living in San Pedro. Instead of sending it we sought to locate th e man and found him bed­ ridden w ith rheum atism . We inquired about th e doctor and were soon told th a t he had been pleading w ith our man to accept Christ as his own Saviour, but» w ithout success. The ai» “C a st th y b re a d u p o n th e w a te r s t fo r th o u s h a lt find i t a f te r m a n y d a y s.’9 H eel. 11 : 1 .

once wrote th e family. Now he has read th e Gospel of John and has come to understand God’s tru e way of sal­ vation. “Once I was blind, bu t now I can see, The L ight of th e world is Jesu s.” During this month ano ther man often dealt with, rejecting th e tru th because of his unclean life, tried to dis­ tu rb the meeting. A stran g er stand ­ ing by became so disgusted he began to see him self in th e light of God’s Word a n d r e a l i z e d his identification w ith the Christ rejecter. He had buried two wives, one a Roman Catholic and the o ther a Christian Scientist. But now brought up to face th e tru th of I John 5:10 his decision was made to tak e God a t His word, and he went his way rejoicing. Some believed and some doubted. Choose ye th erefo re th is day whom you shall serve! doctor tru ly had been a Christian for tru e Christians are always concerned about th e lost. God’s Many In strum en ts The sick man confessed th a t he had changed his m ind about a good many things since he had last talked w ith th e doctor, bu t th e re were so many things he could not understand. We opened th e Word of God and read, “The n atu ra l man receiveth not thé things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him : n either can he know them , because they are spir­ itu ally discerned.” 1 Cor. 2 :14 ; then 2 Cor. 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creatu re: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” “These dif­ ficulties,” we said, “will be cleared afte r you know Christ.” Immediate decision was not urged bu t th e tract “Safety, C ertainty and Enjoym ent,” and a copy of Gospel of John were left him. A fter we left he read th e tra c t and then began to read th e Gospel again, for he had read it many tim es before. He says he began it in no different a t­ titu d e from th a t in which he had read before bu t ju st to pass th e time away. When th e 29th v e r s e was reached, “B e h o l d th e Lamb

'és> W? SEAMEN’S WORK C laude P earson, Supt.— O ur w orkers b o ard all v essels in th e p o rt of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services an d D istrib u tin g L iteratu re.

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