King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


refused saying th e re was plenty of time. J u st two weeks la ter th e news­ papers told of th a t very ship being cast to pieces on th e rocks in a storm and how th e c rew . fought for life in the angry sea. W hat a privilege it is to give th e Gospel to those who may never hear it again! A privilege, yes, bu t also a responsibility. W ill you pray for us th a t souls m ight he won for th e Master? . i

of God th a t ta k eth away th e sin,” scales fell from blind eyes and he was horn again. Today he is rejoicing in th e Saviour and talk ing about the m iracle of his conversion. Many in­ strum en ts had been used b u t in God’s tim e the seed b rough t fo rth its fruit. “P au l planted, Apollos watered, bu t God gave th e increase.” On one ship we pleaded w ith sev­ eral men to accept Christ hu t they



» a ? BIOLA CLUB OF PASADENA Elw ood P. L yon, Supt.— O u r cen ter for Bible C lasses, E vangelistic Services a n d Personal W ork, in th e h e a rt of th e C ity of P asadena. a ?

-We have a worker a t one of th e tu ­ bercular sanitarium s near Pasadena who has been privileged during th e last month to lead a number of th e patients to accept Jesus Christ, and tells of th e g reat blessing which came from th e dis­ tribu tion of th e ' Gospels of John which were given him about a month ago. The people are from all th e “ isms” and denom inations, and some who never knew th e Lord have been brought to Him th rough th is Gospel of John. W hat an opportunity th is is for te sti­ mony! New Classes The work has grown so tha,t we have pu t in two new classes which are be­ ing received very enthusiastically. The attendance a t the classes had drop­ ped down somewhat because of th e five weeks of special metings which were held which n atu rally in terferred w ith th e regu lar classes, bu t now they are coming back to normal. The Thursday afternoon class tau g h t by Mrs. P erkins, and the Thursday evening class in charge of Miss Lee, are tak ing on new life, and we are ex­ pecting g reat things from them in th e future. Two m inisters who were in g reat trouble have been given advice and help a t Biola Club and say th a t here­ afte r they will be “ boosters” for the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles which has made th is work possible.

HE work a t Biola Club is “ looking up” because God’s blessing is coming down. Souls are being saved, and wanderers are being reclaimed. One woman sixty five years of age who had drifted away from th e Lord to a place where she said she “ didn’t believe anything” came in contact w ith one of our workers and expressed in no uncertain term s h er opposition to the Word of God, th e church and even God Himself. Before th e conversa­ tion was finished, however, she broke down and confessed th a t she was en­ tirely wrong and th a t, like many others, she had been finding fau lt w ith the Bible and th e Church because she had been in league w ith Satan. The worker had th e joy of leading h er back to Him who said, “ Come unto me, all ye th a t labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest,” and she is now rejoicing in th e Lord. A Robber and Didn’t Know I t A man sixty years of age was very b itter because he had been cheated out of $300.00 and said he had no use for a God who would allow him to be cheated. We asked him w hat h e had been doing all these years. Said we, “You have been robbing God all these years. You owe everything to him—- food, clothing, shelter, and yet you have never acknowledged your debt to Him, bu t have w ithheld from Him th e worship which is His due.” He said he had never thought of the m a tte r in th a t ligh t before. The re­ su lt is th a t he has been saved and says th a t th e man who robbed him is welcome to th e $300.00 now th a t God has forgiven his sins.

Good as th e work is which is done in the classes, we believe th e most ef­ fective work is th a t done w ith indi­ viduals as we ta lk w ith them , point them to th e Lord, and lead them to see what joy th e re is in a life fully su r­ rendered to Him for service. INSURE YOUR INVESTMENT FOR

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