King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


7. “Come, ye blessed of my F ath er, and inh erit th e Kingdom p re­ pared for you from th e founda- dation of th e world.” Matt. 25:34. — J. T. Larsen.

3. To Israel.

Rom. 1 1 :2 6 .. Saved. Je r. 23:7-8. Restored.

4. To the. Unsaved.

Amos 5:16-20. Judged.

5. To th e Nations.

m . PULPIT POINTERS Don’t Quit Too Often

Mt. 25:31-32. Judged. Joel 3:2. 6. To th e Gentile world system. Dan. 7:9. Cast down. 7. To th e Satanic trinity.

In the final outcome of a sermon th e last word is very im portant, b u t it is a m istake to conclude a sermon too often. When you te ll th e people you are going to stop, you had b e tte r stop. “F inally,” “ lastly” and “ in conclusion.” all in one sermon will make your aud­ ience criticize your term in al facilities. —Methodist P ro testan t. Text Selection The word tex t is from th e L atin tex- tu s, or textnm , something woven, th u s denoting th e web of discourse. The proper selection of a tex t is a m atter of g reat importance. The m inister or stud en t should keep a blank book for lists of texts. Many an adm irable text, and many a golden though t given • to man in th e ir b etter moments are. lost forever, when a brief record of them m ight have made them a p er­ m anent possession.-—John A. Brondus. Tiie Rousements Among th e many rules and principles laid down for preachers and preaching we ‘ th ink th a t of th e old negro preacher should have high place. Be­ ing asked how he prepared and de­ livered his sermons, he replied: “Fust, I gib de purlim inaries, den I expound- erate, den I illustrify, a n ’ finally I make th e ’rousem ent.” Many preachers seem to fall down on th e la st point. The “ purlim inaries” are well set up, and th e sermon is adm irably “ expounder­ ated and illustrified,” b u t th e re are no “ ’rousem ents,” nothing to grip th e con­ science and life; nothing to tie up w hat has been said to the h earers’ conditions and needs. T h at is a poor sermon, no m a tte r how ably prepared or how elo-

2 Thess. 2:8. Anti-Christ over­ thrown. Rev. 19:20. False prophet cast into pit.

8. To physical universe.

Rom. 8:21. Delivered,

— R. S. B.


1. Commemoration:.........“ In

remem ­

brance” . Luke 22:19 2. R epresentation: “The bread, which we b reak ” ............ 1 Cor. 10:16 3. P roclam ation: “Speaks of His death” ..............................Luke 22:20 4. Communication: “All p arta k ers of th a t one bread” ........... 1 Cor. 10:17 5. Anticipation: “Till He come” 1 Cor. 11:26 GOSPEL IN 1 COR. 15. rucified— v. 3. eld in grave— v. 4. aised— v. 4. I n heaven-^-v. 25. S oon to retu rn— v. 23. T ake saints— v. 51-52. —-K. B. THE “ COME” OF SCRIPTURE 1. “Come***into th e A rk.” Gen. 7:1. 2. “ Come***let us reason to ­ gether.” Isa. 1:18. 3. “Come unto me all ye th a t la­ bour and are heavy laden, and I will give you re st.” Matt. 11:28. 4. “ If any man th irst, le t him come unto me and d rink.” John 7:37-39. 5. “Come and dine.” John 21:12. 6. “Come, let us re tu rn unto the Lord.” Hosea 6:1.

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