King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ing, th e devil would come to him and convince him th a t he did no t feel any different and therefore he was no t con­ secrated. Again an d again he was beaten back by th e adversary. F in ­ ally, one evening he came to th e m eet­ ing w ith an axe and a big stake. A fter consecrating himself, he drove the stake into th e ground ju st where he had knelt. As he was leaving the building,' th e devil came to him as usual and trie d to make him believe th a t it was a.11 a farce. At once he went back to th e stake and, pointing to it, said, “Look here, Mr. Devil, do you see th a t stake? Well, th a t’s my w itness th a t God has forever accepted me.” Immediately th e devil left him, and he had no fu rth e r doubts on the subject. Beloved, if you are tempted to doubt th e finality of your consecra­ tion, drive a stake down somewhere and let it be your w itness before God and even th e devil th a t you have been sealed by th e Holy Spirit forever.— The Still Small Voice. the cage and let it o u t!” Our Lord Jesus Christ, “th e lion of th e trib e of Ju d ah ,” who is th e living, incarnate 'Word, opened th e cage and let the Bible-lion out when he quietly said, “I t is w ritten ,” as his counter-attack against the on-slaught of his “ adver­ sary th e devil, as a roaring lion,” who sought to devour Christ by th e tem pta­ tions in th e w ilderness. Satan is de­ scribed as a lion, and Christ is describ­ ed as a Lion; and th e lesser one has no chance w hatever against th e G reater One. And when we remember th a t God’s w ritten Word is as perfect as His incarnate Word, we need fear no a t­ tacks against either.— Bible Call. M IT ’S A LION Spurgeon said: “ You ta lk about de­ fending th e Bible! I t’s a lion! Open

ingly harm less ones; w ith these con­ trolled, th ere is little to fear concern­ ing th e g reater and more shameful ones.—W. W. Melton. Readiness in Service When Queen V ictoria was a middle- . aged woman she took g reat pleasure in going unknown th rough th e streets of th e village of Windsor. On one such occasion, during a shower, she stepped into a peasant’s cottage and asked th e loan of an um­ brella. The peasant woman looked a t the queen doubtfully. At la st she said, “ I have two umbrellas, one an old shabby one, and my Sunday umbrella. I shall give you th e shabby one, for I never expect to see it again.” The next day a messenger wearing th e royal livery brought back th e shabby umbrella, .with a handsome present in money. The peasant woman was appalled. “Oh, sir, who was it borrowed my um­ b rella?” “Madam, it was your queen.” “ Oh, my queen, my queen, would I had known! I would gladly have given my best.” H er wailings were' all in' vain; she never had the opportunity again to do a personal favor to th e queen. Our King is daily calling upon us for the use of our talen ts and means. How do we respond? Consecration "A n d J o s h u a s e t u p tw e lv e sto n e s In I th e m id st o f J o rd a n . . • • T h a t th is m a y b e a sig n a m o n g y o u , t h a t w h e n y o u r c h ild re n a s k th e ir f a th e r s in tim e to com e, s a y in g , W h a t m ean th e s e sto n e s? th e n y e s h a ll a n s w e r th e m , T h a t th e 4 - w a te r s o f J o r d a n w e re c u t off b e fo re th e a r k o f th e c o v e n a n t o f th e L o rd ” (Jo s h . 4:9, 6, 7). The story is told of a colored b ro th er who, a t a camp meeting, tried to give him self to God. Every night a t th e a lta r he consecrated him self; bu t every night before h e left th e meet­ .


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