King's Business - 1923-05

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EXPOSITION and PERTINENT QUESTIONS on LESSON - T .C . Horton DEVOTIONAL COMMENT - - - - - - Dr.F.W.Farr COMMENT - - - • - - - •* KeitK L. Brooks ELEMENTARY - - - - - H E Mabel L. Merrill

*ll■llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll■IIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln MAY IS, 1923 DAVID, THE POET-KING Golden Text: “Surely goodness and loving kindness shall follow me alj th e days of my life.” Ps. 23:6. LESSON TEXT 1 Sa. 16:1-13. (Read Ps. 51; Is. 9 :7 ; Jer. 33:15-26; Lu. 1 :32 ; Ac. 2:29-34; 4:25 .) Devotional Reading.— Ps. 1. T une.-B l036 B. C. Place.— Bethlehem , th e birthplace of David and Christ, situ ate in trib e of Judah, 6 miles southwest of Jerusalem . ^\l/£ ate ate ate iism Outline: (1) David Chosen King, (2) David in Camp and Court, hand. Samuel’s question, “Are here all thy sons?” evokes th e answer, “The youngest* * * keepeth th e sheep.” Here we have God’s choice— a shep­ herd lad (1 Cor. 1:27-28).

(3) David’s Companion (4 ) David’s Coronation (5 ) David’s Culpability (6 ) David’s Compassion (7) David’s Conflict

“B u t God b a th ch o sen th e fo o lish th in g s o f th e w o rld to co n fo u n d th e w ise ; a n d God h a th c h o sen th e w e a k th in g s o f th e w o rld to co n fo u n d th e th in g s w h ic h a re m ig h ty ; A n d b a se th in g s o f th e w o rld , a n d th in g s w h ic h a r e d esp ised , h a th God ch o sen , y e a , a n d th in g s w h ic h a r e n o t, to b rin g to n o u g h t th in g s t h a t a re ; T h a t n o flesh sh o u ld g lo ry in h is p r e s ­ en ce.” W hat a day it was for David! How little he though t th a t morning when he went to his humble duties', w ith his crook and sling, th a t from th a t day forever his name would be associated w ith the greatest of all Names! (Rev. 22 :16 ). “I am th e ro o t a n d th e o ffsp rin g o f D av id , a n d th e b r ig h t a n d m o rn in g s ta r .” (2) DAVID IN CAMP AND COURT. David is now between eighteen and twenty-four years of age. F ou r years have passed since his anointing,— years spent between the palace and th e sheepfold. He played th e harp and soothed th e God-forsaken king. The forces of Israel and th e forces of th e Philistines are gathered in oattle

In troduction: When, because of Saul’s disobedience to the command of God, he was .re ­ buked by Samuel and rejected of God, — God revealed to Samuel th a t He had already chosen a new EESSON king (1 Sam. 1 6 :1 ), EXPOSITION , “ I have provided me T. C. H orton a king.” In Saul, He had provided th e peo­ ple w ith a king. God commands Sam­ uel to tak e a horn of oil, go to the house of Jesse and anoint a new king from among his sons. (1) DAVID CHOSEN KING. Seven sons of Jesse passed before Samuel, and were rejected. David,— beloved, unknown, lightly esteemed, dear to God, chosen of God^-j^was not considered im portant en o u g h 'io be on

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