King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


th e ir lessons, and th e ones who al- ways do all work given to th em to do in th e best m anner

unbecoming haste to ascend th e th ron e left vacant for him. He waited upon the Lord about it. A fter his accession to th e throne over all Israel, David’s lovely desire to have th e ark of th e Lord near him in th e city of Jeru salem is followed by a g reat error. We have to trace far more of n atu re in David during the period of his elevation th a n during the period of his rejection. David found the kingdom more tho rny and danger­ ous th an th e w ilderness. But in what wonderfully gracious ways did th e Lord teach His servant! He had to teach David his m istake in seeking to build Him a house. But David proved in the end th a t though his though ts as to the tim e of building th e temple needed to be corrected, his affection for th e house itself was not th e less fervent. Thus does grace pu t service into its proper place and im parts energy to it which ill-timed service can never ex­ hibit. Grace enables a man to hide him self and make God his object. When David’s eye rested on th e g litter­ ing pile of m aterials which his devoted h ea rt had raised, he was able to say, “ Of th in e own have we given thee. Thine, O Lord, is th e greatness of the power and the glory and th e victory and the majesty, for all th a t is in the heaven and th e earth is thine. Therefore, our God, we th a n k Thee and praise thy glorious nam e.”— F rom Miscellaneous Notes by Chas. H. Mc­ Intosh. A Shepherd Boy Chosen K ing. 1 Sam. 16:1-13. Memory Verse.— “The Lord looketh on th e h ea rt.” 1 Sam. 16:7. Approach.— I wonder w hat kind of boys and girls make th e best men and women? Yes, th e ones who improve th e ir tim e well while in school and get


possible. We often forget th a t God is watching th e little folks and picking out th e ones th a t are doing th e ir work well now, for He knows they will m ake good w orkers for Him when they grow up. Today we are to h ear about a boy who was faithful, and how God hon­ ored him. Let us bow our heads and ask Jesus to help us to be th e kind of boys and girls He w ants us to be. Lesson Story.— L ast week we heard about another boy who was faith fu l, and how God honored and blest him. James, you tell us about him. Now do you know why I asked Jam es to tell us th e story? That is righ t, Jessie, be-?, cause Jam es always helps me teach the lesson by listening carefully all th e way through, and you know boys and girls th a t listen well always enjoy th e story, and the joy shines out in th e ir faces, and you do not know how th a t helps th e teacher to tell th e story. Now in our story today Samuel has grown to be an old man and was a prophet or preacher of God. Saul, th e king over God’s people, would no t obey God but did his own way, so God had Samuel tell him (Saul) th a t He would have to choose another king to ru le over Is­ rael. This did not mean th a t th e new king was to begin ru ling a t once, bu t th a t God had determ ined to ta k e the th ron e away from Saul when th e righ t tim e came. God then told Samuel to go to the city of Bethlehem , to a 'man named Jesse, and to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to be king. Do you re­ member the beautiful sto ry of Ruth? Now Jesse was th e grandson of Ruth and Boaz. God told Samuel to tak e a young cow along for a sacrifice to Him, and Samuel did as he was commanded. He came to Bethlehem and made ready th e sacrifice, and invited Jesse and his A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY

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