King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S sons to it. When they came Samuel though t th a t Jesse’s oldest son was the one whom th e Lord had chosen. But the Lord told him he was not th e one. Then Jesse called another, b u t th e Lord did not choose him. And Jesse called seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said, “The Lord has chosen none of these.” And Samuel asked, “Are these all thy children?” Jesse said th ere was one left, th e youngest, who was out in th e field tak ing care of sheep. Sam­ uel asked Jesse to send and bring him. Now he had been out in th e fresh air, and when he stood before them , his cheeks were red and his face was beau­ tifu l to look at. The Lord told Samuel to arise and anoint th is son, as he was th e one He (th e Lord) had chosen. So the Lord chose David, for th a t was his name, to be king over Israel. He was not to be king a t once, bu t when th e


Lord should pu t Saul away from being king. The Lord knew David’s h eart, and had been watching David, and saw how faithfully he guarded and cared for th e sheep, even risking his life to save them from th e lion and th e bear. God knew he would make a good king. Our memory verse is such a splendid one today, and it is so sho rt th a t every one can remember it. “The Lord looketh on th e h e a rt.” I wonder what God sees as He looks into our hearts. Are we doing our work faith fu lly and well each day? Are we kind and loving in the home, so th a t mother loves to have us do things for her? Do we always do the things she asks us to do? Closing P rayer.— Dear Lord Jesus, help us to serve th ee w ith our whole h earts, so all we do will be pleasing in thy sight. of Baal and A shtoreth, heathen altars and temples, were everywhere th rough ­ out th e land. Prom every hill rose the Smoke from heathen sacrifices. Blas­ phemy filled every valley. L u st and licentiousness were ram pant. The measure of iniquity was full. Into th is scene God projects a man, clad in coarse garments— a p rophet of fire—-Elijah (th e name meaning Jehovah, my God), who had received his train ing in the w ilderness as did Moses, John the B aptist and Paul. (1) EL IJAH ’S PREDICTION OP TROUBLE FOR ISRAEL. E lijah had watched w ith growing indignation th e sin of his people and had, perhaps, groaned unto God for a message for them . Suddenly, like a flash from a clear sky, w ithout warn-

s m É è MAY 20, 1923 ELIJAH, THE BRAVE REFORMER Golden Text: “Choose you th is day whom ye will serve.” Jos. 24:15 LESSON TEXT 1 K ings 18:30-39. Devotional Reading.— Ps. 2. Time.— 910-906 B. C. Place.— Gilead, Samaria, Mt. Carmel. O utline: (1) E lija h ’s P rediction of Trouble for Israel. (2 ) . E lija h ’s Public Testimony for Jehovah. (3 ) E lijah ’s P reservation through T ru st in God. (4) E lijah ’s Physical T ranslation. In troduction : . É è

The sixty-two years from Jeroboam to Ahab had been a period of de­ generacy and mixed worship. The king who preceded Ahab had followed in Jeroboam ’s steps, bu t LESSON A h a b broke all EXPOSITION bounds. W ith one T. C. H orton fell swoop he swept away th e worship of God and took for his wife Jezebel, daughter of th e king of Zidon. Images

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