King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


wear? Because fath e r and mother are tak ing care of you and they (will see th a t you have both food and clothes. Do you often notice th e birds as they fly about and re st on the branches of th e trees, and do you h ear them sing­ ing? How happy they are. Who takes care of th e birds? Yes, God cares for them , and He says we His people are of far more value th an a bird, and He will take care of us if we will only tru s t Him. P rayer. Lesson Story.— (Show pictures of shepherd and his sheep.) W hat sto ry does th is picture make you th in k of? The shepherd boy David, and how God called him to be a king over his people Israel. Today in our story we are to learn about a tim e when a very wicked king is ruling over Israel; th is king and his queen worshipped idols, and many of God’s people were worshipping idols, and were not following the tru e God. There was a fine man by the name of E lijah , a prophet of God, who felt very sorry th a t these people whom God had taken such good care of, should tu rn away from Him. He longed to do some­ th ing to cause these people to come back to God again. (Tell of the drought, God’s care of E lijah a t the brook. 1 K ings 17:1-8.) But one day E lijah noticed th a t th e w ater in the brook seemed much shallower, and ev­ ery day a fte r th a t it grew lower and lower. There had been no rain you know, and th e w ater was drying up. Do you th ink E lijah was troubled about w hat was to become of him when the w ater was all gone? No, he was not tru stin g in the w ater bu t in God. When th e w ater was all dried up, God sent E lijah on a long journey across the country of th e wicked king to. a little city on the seashore, where there was a woman who would give him food. At last, late one afternoon, he saw the blue sea and a little •city w ith a wall around it. E lijah was very hungry and th irsty and tired. No one had given

him anything to eat or drink on th a t long journey, and outside th e city wall he sank down, too weary to go any farth er. He saw a poor woman g ath er­ ing sticks and twigs. He called and asked her to bring him a little w ater to drink, bu t as she tu rned to go for the w ater, he asked h er to also bring him a little piece of bread. Then the woman came to him and told him she had no bread bu t ju st a handful of meal in a b arrel and a little oil in a bottle, and she was gathering th e sticks to make a fire on which to bake the Sake of meal for herself and her boy. “A fter th a t food is gone we shall die of hunger.” ' Now E lijah tells h er to make him a cake first, (for he is fain t from th e long jou rn ey ), and then make one for h er boy and herself. Then he added th is wonderful prom ise th a t God had given: “The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall th e bottle of oil fail until th e day th a t th e Lord sendeth rain upon the ea rth .” This was rath e r a h ard test, bu t th e woman believed th e prophet and fed him. Now she had ta k ­ en all to ■ feed E lijah, and now le t us see what she and th e boy had for their supper. She went to th e barrel and there was more nice meal, and more oil in th e bottle. The prophet lived with the widow and her son for a year, and the Lord made the meal and th e oil last all th a t time. (Tell of raising of widow’s son to life, emphasizing God’s power even over death .) Teach mem­ ory verse. Closing P rayer. 'I ""1 ...... ^T ^~‘*>~i^ ^ >~~‘^ 1 ^~iitiifw»«w^imiiii^^)fiiniiiiiiiiiwfw>iHii^ | ARE YOU INTERESTED I I in Bible S tudy and are you I | in need of some practical §, | method of study ? Let us in- | I traduce you to one of our Cor- H | respondence Courses. Seven j I courses offered, from $2 to$5 . I | W rite fo r circular to Bible In- | | stitute of Los Angeles, Corres- 1 | pondence School. aniiluiiiiiiiHiiiHhiiinriiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiainimiiiiiuiisiiiiiHuiuHiiiiHiiMiiuiiiiHiutiuuiiiiiinHiM A WHEEL WHICH TURNS DAY

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