King's Business - 1923-05


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

some of us cannot be moved. We know the Book. We have tested it under every possible condition and are more and more assured of its infallibility. Our hearts are heavy with sorrow for the church in its crucial crisis. We have built our house on the foundation of the sure Word of God. What can we do to help those whose faith is being undermined? God’s law for the brotherhood of saints is clearly defined in Deut. 22:8: “ When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man fall from thence.” We must erect the battlements. We must keep the boys and girls, the men and women, from falling into the pit. We must keep our skirts clear from the blood of men. We must not allow any sickly sentimentality to obsess us. Our duty is clear. Our orders from High Heaven are definite. We must not waver. We must not yield one inch in matters that relaté to the Written Word because upon that foundation rest all of our hopes in the Living Word. —T. C. H. DR. NORRIS IN THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE Don’t worry— he has not given up his great work in F t. W orth. He was in th e Legislature as a guest, having been invited to speak in defence of a bill which was before them opposing th e teaching of Evolution in any of th e S tate schools or universities. We wish we had room to p rin t 'Dr. N orris’ en tire message. It was a NORRIS ADDRESS w ith th e humor and homey illu stration s so characteristic of him, and IT’S WORTH LOOKING INTO. WHAT? OUR PLAN

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