King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

526 (cf 2 0 :3 1 ), and p regn an t w ith th e gospel message. Indeed our salvation will be consummated when th e last enemy, death, is destroyed, and our bodies, are redeemed, in th e first resu r­ rection. According to the Scriptures, Christ raised th ree persons from th e dead. The raising of L azarus’ putrifying body seems a g reater victory th an th e re­ animation of Ja iru s’ daughter, and even th an the raising of th e young man from th e funeral bier. The resu r­ rection of Jesus H imself in a glorified body was a different and transcendent m iracle, far surpassing even th e quick­ ening of Lazarus. Jesus was declared to be th e Son of God w ith power by th e resurrection. But Jesus Christ is THE RESUR­ RECTION. He not only raised Lazarus and H imself became th e “ first, fru its from th e dead,” He himself is death- conquering L IFE . F aith affords the contact whereby men become p artakers of th e Divine nature. M artha sensed th is when she ex­ claimed, “Lord if thou h ad st been here my b ro ther had not d ied !” The king of terro rs operates only by His tem ­ porary permission. It was not possible for Him to be holden of death. Christ said, “I AM.” M artha con­ ceived of Jesus as potentially absent for a time. She was w illing to believe th e Saviour could save in th e far dis­ ta n t future. This “ I AM,” qf our Saviour God, implies th a t He is w ith us, though unseen, and th a t He is th e same yesterday, today and for­ ever. D ispensationally He is absent, bu t in power and fellowship He is w ithin th e saint. Bereaved h earts like M artha should ta lk w ith Jesus ra th e r th an wrap themselves in th e ir m ourning like Mary. If He denies healing and ra th e r perm its death, He is neith er forgetful nor impotent, bu t ra th e r planning a more gracious m anifestation of God’s

glory. When Christ commands, He expects in stan t obedience in spite of th e pu tre­ faction of „flesh and te rro rs of th e grave. Such obedience of faith affords Him the condition for working w ith signs and wonders. Christ weeps w ith th e sorrow ing and adm its the fact of death. He is touch­ ed w ith a feeling of our infirm ities and tasted death for each of us. His voice th a t called th e universe into being said, “Lazarus, come fo rth .” “He spake and it was done. He com­ manded and it stood fast.” He who gave us new life would have us free also. None of th e shrouds of the o ld ’life’s habits should remain. Let us assist the new-born children of God to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of th e flesh and th e spirit. THE JUNIORS (N o te: T h e J u n io r L esso n s fro m J o h n do n o t in a ll ca se s fo llo w th e te x t o f th e A d u lt L esso n s, a s w e h a v e se le c te d fo r th e J u n io r th o se in c id e n ts w h ich seem ed m o st s u ita b le fo r te a c h in g c h ild re n o f th is a g e .) HONORING JESUS Jo h n 13:9-19 Review: W hat was the lesson about last week? In whose home was th e dinner served? Who were th e guests? W hat did M artha do? Wfiat did Mary do? Would you have been glad to be there? Would you be glad to serve Him? W hat can boys and girls do fo r Him? The Lesson: Today we are going to be w ith Jesus in a wonderful procession. Who knows what a procession is? Did you ever see one which was so nice you will never forget it? This was such a wonderful procession th a t I am sure any little boy or girl who saw it never forgot it. Thousands

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