King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Have you looked up some good verses to read to them? How many have tried to bring new boys and girls to th e class? Memory Verse: “Hosanna! Blessed is the King of Israel th a t cometh in the name of the Lord.” (John 12:13 1. c.)

and thousands of boys and girls have been told about th is procession since th a t time, and yet th e re are thousands and thousands who have never heard of it. Well, th is procession we are going to ta lk about took place a t a F east tim e when all the Jews th a t could possibly go to Jerusalem were there. They had heard about Jesus and th e wonderful •things He had done and said, and they h eard th a t He was coming to th e Feast. He was in B ethany where M artha and Mary lived, so He w ent from th ere up to Jerusalem and made a wonderful entrance into th e city in ju st th e same way th a t God had said in th e Old Testa­ ment He would,— riding on a colt th a t had never been ridden before. The people went ou t to meet Him carrying branches of palm trees, and took th e ir coats and threw them in th e road fo r th e colt to walk on. They waved th e palm branches and shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is th e K ing of Is­ rael th a t cometh in th e nam e of th e Lord.” They had a g reat time. They made so much of Jesus* th a t some of th e Jews who did not like Him got angry and said, “Everybody is going crazy about H im .” B u t Jesus did not find fau lt w ith th e people. He knew th a t they believed in Him and wanted to show Him th a t they did; W hat would you have done if you had been there? Would you have ta k ­ en some flowers and have throw n them in th e road so th a t He would see th a t you wanted to honor Him? W hat can boys and girls do to show th a t they love Him? Why should we w ant to do something for Him? W hat has He done for you? W hat is th e best th ing you can do? Would you like to have all th e boys and girls know Him and love Him? Have you talked to any of them about Him? Do you carry a Gospel of John?


Always begin and close the teach­ ing of the, lesson w ith prayer, even if th e re has been prayer in th e opening exercises. To have th e children in th e sp irit of readiness for the lesson, see to it th a t they do not have the opportunity to ru n around the class room and play, before Sunday School begins, or you will find it hard to gain th e ir a tte n ­ tion when you w ant to teach. The real successful teacher will be on hand before th e children arrive,; and see th a t th e room is in ' order for them when they come, th a t it is well ventilated1, th a t every th ing th a t you will use in teaching is on hand, so th a t your tim e can be used in receiv­ ing them , and seeing th a t they are properly seated, and you can quietly visit w ith them before the reg u lar open­ ing exercises begin. Welcome retu rn ed absentees, inquire afte r th e home folks, and inquire w ith what success they lived th e lesson of th e previous Sunday during th e week. Keep the main object in view, which is the salvation of each child while he is in th e Prim ary, and th e teach­ ing of daily practical Christian living and loyalty to Jesus. Many a paren t is led to Christ through th e Christlike conduct «of a little child in th e home who is trying to live at home, during th e week, the lesson ta u g h t on Sunday.

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