King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE PRIMARY K ate H. Haus.

(Review briefly, la st Sunday’s les­ son, dwelling upon th e need of Christ’s help to overcome bad h ab its.) You remember, Mary, Lazarus’ sister, pour­ ed very sweet perfumed oil, th a t cost very much money over Jesu s’ feet. (Review) At Simon’s house th a t day, Jud as, one of Jesu s’ disciples, found fau lt w ith what Mary did. He was a bad m an; he carried th e money bag of th e disciples and sometimes stole from it. He pretended Mary ought to have sold th a t perfume and given him th e money for th e poor. Jesus told Jud as to let Mary alone for she was all rig h t; Judas was a very wicked mah and we will h ear more about his meanness in a few more Sun­ days. Many people went to Simon’s house to see Lazarus th a t day. They w anted to see how 'he looked after being raised from the dead, and h ear him ta lk about Jesus. A fter talk ing w ith Lazarus and seeing Jesus, many believed on Jesus and gave Him th e ir love. T h at made th e priests th a t h ated Jesus mad, so they decided they would kill Jesus and Lazarus th e first chance they had. In a sho rt tim e th e people were going to hold th e g reat feast of th e Passover. (Explain w hat th a t feast was.) Jesus always went to th a t feast. It showed th e people what Jesus was going to do to save them from th e ir sins. (Explain the meaning of th e feast.) Jesus sta rted to Jerusalem to go to this feast, and when He got n ear there, He sent two of his disciples ahead to a little village to where they would find ^n ass, (an anim al th a t looks like a mule, only it is larger, and more handsom e). This ass would be tied to a post, and would have a fine’ colt

beside her th a t no one had ever sat upon, to ride. They were to loose the ass and bring both to Him. “ If any one finds fau lt w ith you for it,” said Jesus, “ ju st tell them th a t the Lord needs them , and it will be all rig h t.” When th e people heard th a t Jesus was going to ride into Jerusalem , they were so happy, they decided to form a pro­ cession and go meet Him. Most of th e procession were! poor people and children. They pulled green branches from th e trees, spread them over the road, and carried g reat branches in th e ir hands which they waved in joy as they followed in fhe procession., When they found Jesus was going to sit on th e colt, they pu t th e ir clothes o n .,th e colt for a saddle. Then the g reat crowd gathered around Jesus; men, women, b6ys and girls, shout­ ing out th e ir joy. They cried, “Ho­ sanna: Blessed is th e King of Israel th a t cometh in th e name of th e Lord.” Then how the children did sing. The children kep t on w ith th e ir singing, even a fte r Jesus got to the Temple and went in. When some of those who hated Jesus heard th e children singing, it made them mad, and they wanted Jesus to make them stop. B u t Jesus would not do it. Jesus told them , th a t if they did not sing, th e stones would cry out. O how mad those who hated Jesus were. They heard Mary and M artha praising Jesus for raising th eir b ro th er; here was Lazarus praising Him for raising him from th e dead; and here were all th e people praising Him, too.

In the people th a t day, th e re were two kinds of hearts. H earts full of HATE, (p rin t hate in a h e a rt); hearts INSURE YOUR INVESTMENT FOR

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