King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


full of LOVE. (P rin t love in ano th er heart. Make h ea rt 1, black; h e a rt 2, white; ask which h ea rt th e children wish? If you w ant th e white heart, then you must let Jesu s come into your h ea rt; (draw heavy red cross in the white h e a rt). Then enlarge upon th e need of watchfulness on our part, or th e devil will get in some of his mean

work, when we are careless, and black­ en our heart. We need to pray to Jesus every day to help us watch our­ selves, so th e devil has no chance at us. Memory verse: “P raise the Lord; for th e LORD is good: sing praises unto His nam e; for it is pleasant.” Ps. 135:3.

ë» gjÿ Mir MAY 20, 1923 MARY’S MEMORIAL—John 12:1-19

Bethany was th e home of Mary, Mar­ th a and Lazarus. Simon, th e leper, made a feast for our Lord in his house on th e eve of th e Sabbath. Simon may have been a relative of Lazarus, and th is was evidently the first oppor­ tu n ity to honor Jesus since the raising of Lazarus, and is a trib u te to Simon’s courage, in view of th e hostility of th e Jewish rulers. Jesus accepted th e invitation in spite of th e fact of the approaching shadows of th e cross. The picture is one of intense in terest and will afford an op-, po rtun ity to analyze th e different a t­ titudes of believers tow ard our Lord. (1) THE RELATION OF A SAVED MAN (Simon). Simon, leper, is a type of those who are healed of sin and have been saved from its to rm en t and suffering. How loathsome is sin! How foul it is! “Unclean! Unclean!” is all th a t can be said of the sinner. The first relation of th e believer to Jesus Christ is th a t of a saved sinner. How significant are the titles given to those whom Jesus had healed,— Simon, the leper; Mary Magdalene; blind Bar- tim aeus; th e Demoniac! God knows us, and He alone knows your old name. (2) THE RELATION OF A SERV­ ANT (M artha). M artha was th e housekeeper. She was cumbered w ith much serving (Luke 10 :41 ).

Golden Text: “She h ath done what she could.” (Mark 14 :8 ). Outline: (1) The Relation of a Saved Man (Simon). (2) The Relation of a Servant (M a rth a ). (3) The R elation of a Resurrected One (L azaru s). (4) The Relation of a Worshipper (M ary). (5) The Rebuke of Judas. (6) The Rejoicing of the Multi­ tude. In troduction: The events related in th is lesson oc­ curred six or eight weeks afte r the resu rrestion of Lazarus, which had created g reat excitement. The Jews had summoned a council to decide what measures should be taken in order to counteract th e influence exerted by Jesus. Jesus knew th a t th e tim e of His de­ p artu re had not yet come (Jo h n 8:20; 13 :1 ) and retu rn ed to Ephraim tw enty miles north of Jerusalem where He re­ mained un til ju st before th e Passover. Then He retu rn ed to Jerusalem , cleansed the ten lepers, blessed the children, healed the two blind men and spoke several parables, arriv ing a t Bethany six days before th e Passover. P arallel passages are found in Matt. 21:1-11; Luke 19:27-44; Mark. 1 1 : 1 - 11 .

THE LORD. HOW? (See Inside Front Cover)

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