King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


There is no record th a t any special message had been given to Mary, bu t she intuitively felt th a t His end was n ear and th a t she would no t be able to m inister to Him much longer. Love is inexpressible in words. Mary had no words w ith which to express h er love bu t “ actions speak louder th an words.” H er b ro th er had been raised from th e dead. W hat could be too good for h er Lord? Love is inventive in method. It makes a way of its own. Mary’s gift was unique. ' It was th e best she had. There was no though t of tith in g for her. Its value then was about $50.00 — a year’s wages— equal to $500.00 now. Love is independent in action. Mary was indifferent to th e opinions of others. She knew she was rig h t and was not troubled w ith any thoughts of false modesty; she had no fear of criticism. M artha was busy w ith serv­ ing; Lazarus w ith fellowship, but Mary was occupied w ith Himself. Love is inexhaustible in results. Who can measure th e resu lts of th is one act of devotion? L isten to His words: “She h ath w rought a good work.” “She h ath done what she could.” “ It shall be spoken for a mem­ o rial wheresoever th is gospel is preach­ ed th roughout th e whole world.” We are ap t to m agnify g rea t gifts, g re a t deeds, bu t Jesus notices th e lit­ tle things,— th e widow’s m ite, th e weeping woman, Mary’s gift. He recognizes every act of devotion, every sacrifice. He measures gifts not by what is given, bu t by w hat is left. Mary anointed h er Lord as th e High P riest for His coming work. She per­ fumed Him— embalmed Him— before­ hand. T h at act perfumed th e house, th e church, th e ages, herself. Her name is fra g ra n t today. To those who know Him, as Mary did, He is worthy of every sacrifice. We must be much a t His feet if we are to learn much of

“A nd J e s u s a n s w e re d a n d sa id u n to h e r, M a rth a , M a rth a , th o u a r t c a re fu l a n d tro u b le d a b o u t m a n y th in g s .” She felt th a t she only showed h er loyalty to her Lord by doing, and th is relation of th e believer is blessed. The Lord loves service, b u t it m ust be held in check. There is a danger in being occupied w ith work, instead of being occupied w ith Him.. (3) THE RELATIQN OF A RES­ URRECTED ONE (L azaru s). W hat a blessed experience it is to know death, th e tomb, resurrection life; to know self as crucified; to know unholy ambition pu t away in th e tomb; to know our secret sins buried; to know a new life,— to feel its th rill! To put away th e grave clothes and be God’s free man! How blessed th e fellow­ ship! (1 John 1 :3 ). “'I'llat w h ic h w e h a v e se e n a n d h e a rd d e c la re w e u n to y o u , tb a t y e a ls o m a y h a v e fe llo w sh ip w ith u s ; a n d tr u ly o u r fe llo w sh ip is w ith th e F a th e r , a n d w ith h is Son J e s u s C h rist.” (Rom. 6 :4 ). “T h a t lik e a s C h rist w a s ra is e d u p fro m th e d e a d b y th e g lo ry o f th e F a th e r , e v en so w e a ls o sh o u ld w a lk in n e w n e ss o f life .” (4) THE RELATION OF THE WORSHIPPER (M ary). This is the desirable relation, for it comprehends all th e others. It in­ volves both service and fellowship. It is Mary’s devotion, Mary’s offering, which give fragrance to th e whole scene, and the other th ree relations are lost sight of. Mary always assumes th e same re­ lation,-tf-learning (Luke 1 0 :4 2 ), en­ trea tin g (John 1 1 :3 2 ), here, worship­ ping. This place shall never be taken away from her. She chose it. Jesus honored it. If she had no t been a t His feet learning, she would not have been th ere worshipping. The place we choose will be ours. Mary’s name is symbolical of sin­ cere love and devotion. H er offering was chosen, costly, com forting, com­ mended (by th e L o rd ), condemned (by Ju d a s). It was expressive of h er love. Love is in tu itiv e in perception.

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