King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


His heart. (5 ) THE REBUKE OE JUDAS. How little th e unregenerate under­ stand the love of a believer for th e Lord. Is anything wasted which is lavished on Jesus? There is no waste in service for H im ; giving the Gospel to th e heathen does not lessen our care for th e poor in our own land. The ta in t of Jud as is on selfish homes, on grum ­ blers who would w ithhold' th e precious ointm ent of absolute su rrend er and d e ­ votion. (6) THE REJOICING OF THE MULTITUDE. Because of Jesu s’ growing popular­ ity the Pharisees had determ ined upon His death, and now they determ ined also upon the death of Lazarus (vs. 10, 11). The next day the m ultitude who had come to th e feast, and who had heard of th e resurrection of Laz­ arus, organized an impromptu proces­ sion and followed Him into Jerusalem , waving palm branches, and acclaiming Him as th e K ing of Israel. The quota­ tion is from Psalm 118:26: “Blessed is th e King of Israel th a t cometh in th e name of the Lord.” Their enthusiasm was shallow and meaningless though some, doubtless, were sincere. The event was in ful­ fillment of Scripture (Zech. 9 :9 ). His way to th e th ro n e; was to be by way of th e cross, bu t He will come to reign in pomp and glory, angels and saints attending, (Matt. 16 :27 ). It is a wonderful picture,— divine and hum an; meek and lowly; m ighty and strong ; Son of God and Son of man! No chariot; no home; no escort! W hat hum ility! W hat sorrow! How can we honor Christ? Make Him a guest. Make H im a feast. Give Him our best. W itness fo r Him in daily life. Take our place w ith Him, in hum ility, in self-sacrifice, in service. TOPICS FOR STUDY (1) W hat is suggested to us by the fact th a t some people wanted

Jesus in th e ir homes? Why did they w ant Him? (2) If, you were choosing, which one of th e four— Simon, Mar­ tha,,^ Mary or Lazarus, would you choose to be, and why? (3) Why do we not have any sug­ gestion from th e lips of Laz­ arus concerning his experiences while out of th e body? (4) How did Mary come to sense th e fact of th e coming cruci­ fixion of Christ? (5) Why did Jesus perm it the people to proclaim Him King of Israel? (6) Is the world going afte r Jesus how? Why not? A little town was Bethany, bu t Jesus exalted it forever by His presence, “There they made him a supper” (2 ). W hat a guest was Jesus, and how Si­ mon honored himself by inviting Him into his home. W hat gives a feast its dignity is not' the quality of the linen and dishes and food, bu t the quality of the guests. W hat changes would be w rought at feasts if Jesus was always given a place a t th e table. “And M artha served” (2 ). Busy as a servant here and th ere, yet her name is w rit­ ten among the immortals in th e Book of God. “Lazarus was one of them th a t sat a t m eat w ith him ” (2 ). The man who had died, and had been raised from the dead, he was there. W hat a guest he was, and how Simon and the rest must have listened awed and hushed to th e table ta lk of Jesu s and th is man who had come back from the other world: “Then took Mary a pound of ointm ent, very costly” (3 ). So deep and divine was her love for her Saviour th a t she brought h er high­ est to th e service of His lowest, her h air and head and h eart to th e service SUGGESTIVE COMMENT Rev. Campbell Coyle

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