King's Business - 1923-05



He had come too late to help, as Laza­ ru s had been dead and buried four days. As soon as M artha saw Jesus, she found fau lt w ith Him for not com­ ing rig h t away when He was sent for. She said to Him, “ If you had been here, my b ro th er would not have died.” Jesus must have looked a t her very sadly, because she said, “Yes, I know God will do any thing you ask Him to do.” T h at must have pleased Jesus, for He answered a t once, “Your b ro th er shall rise again.” “Yes, I know he will rise on th e la st day, b u t th a t’s a long way off,” said Martha. T h at made Jesus feel sad again, for He said, ;;; “I am life, and any who believe in Me, will never die. Don’t you believe th a t? ” M artha answered, “Yes; I be­ lieve you are God’s Son.” Then Jesus must have asked for Mary, for Martha went back home, where Mary sat w ith some friends crying, because her b ro ther was dead, and told h er sister, th a t Jesus was asking for her. When Mary heard th a t, she hu rried out to Him. The friends did not h ear M artha tell Mary, for she did it in secret. So, when Mary went out, these friends though t she was going to L azarus’ grave to cry there. Instead, /she went to Jesus; kneeling at His feet, she said ju st w hat M artha had said; “ If you had been here, my b ro th er would not have died.” H er many friends, and M artha’s and L azarus’ friends had fol­ lowed her, and every one was crying |f hard. Seeing them all crying made Jesus feel so sorry th a t He cried, too. Jesus cried because Mary, M artha and th e rest did not believe He could bring Lazarus back to life. When they reached th e cave where .

Lazarus was buried, Jesus said, “Take away th e ston e!” But M artha said, “Lord, his body must stink badly, for h e’s been dead four days.” ' Then Jesus answered, “D idn’t I tell you th a t you should see something glorious, if you would only believe in Me?” The folks standing round wondered why He had let Lazarus die, when He loved him so much. All th is made Jesus groan w ith sorrow. They rolled away th e stone. Jesus looked up to heaven, and thanked God th a t Lazarus would come to life when He called him. So Jesus called out loud, “Lazarus, come fo rth !” Out came Lazarus. W hat happy sis­ ters and friends, now. Everybody was laughing. Lazarus stood still, for he was w rapped in a long sheet, and a napkin was tied around his head. Jesus said, “Loose him, and let him go.” How they jumped to untie the napkin and sheet. Mary and M artha hugged and kissed him, friends shook his hands, and many of th e ir friends gave th e ir h earts to Jesus. Illu stratio n : L ast Sunday we saw how sin kills a h eart, makes it black, but Jesu s’ blood, cleans, forgives, makes alive, saves. Draw 1. But afterw ards the Devil ties up some h earts w ith bad habits. Draw 2. Re­ peat 1 John 1:9. Draw 3. Enlarge on bad habits of all kinds: such as, fib­ bing, tak ing cookies, candies, etc., look­ ing around instead of paying atten tion in day school, S. S. and church, ’p'laying behind teach er’s back, slamming doors, coming in w ith muddy feet, crying for temper, making faces when mad, sulk­ ing, selfishness etc. All these bind our h earts more strongly th an the sheet tied round Lazarus.

MAY 27, 1923 GENTILES SEEKING JESUS—John 12:20-36

Golden Text: “ If any man serve me, Outline: let him follow me. * * * If any - man serve me, him will my F a th e r

(D The Death of th e Seed, vs. 20-



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