King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


yet w ith th e forceful, unanswerable logic th a t carries deep conviction. Dr. Norris had sent a challenge to th e universities and schools to send a representative to meet him in debate on th e subject. One man h a d 1responded b u t a t th e last moment w ithdrew , so Dr. Norris h ad ' a clear field. We do not know a t th is w riting w hat th e resu lt of th e vote was, bu t we do know th a t th is is th e position which should be taken ,in every S tate where th e Bible is ostracised. Taxpayers .have a rig h t to demand th a t th e ir taxes should t not be used to pay .the salaries of enemies of th e Bible who are used of Satan to spoil th e lives of th e students. Every loyal American should stand p at on th is proposition. ' — T . C. H . ■ ^,1 &. ^¡fc. . 1 1 $ ( CHESTNUTS 1 Quite frequently some one sends us some article or book by an infidel or higher critical w riter, in which attem p ts are made to show th a t th e Bible 4s full of contradictions. We are asked to give in th e K ing’s Business refu tation s of these articles. Should we do so we should n either have tim e for anything worth while nor space in th e magazine for th e real sp iritu al food th e people need. There is not one of these so-called contradictions th a t is no t a chestnut so old it rattles in th e shell. They have been answered a thousand tim es and many of them could be easily solved by a child of ordinary intelligence. How these professedly well-read and scholarly th ink ers can continue to h arp on these ru sty strings is more th a n we can understand. s L et us look a t a few samples of these scholarly argum ents. Here is one who says, “ Im p artial critics have been'condem ned for publishing th e resu lts of th e ir study of. th e Bible, many Christians evidently holding it more religious to believe a lie th a n to know th e tru th . A careful perusal of the Bible would destroy th is kind of belief. Not one in ten thousand has ever read th e Bible critically. It has been swallowed whole.” The w riter th en proceeds to point out some outstanding contradictions as follows: “We find in Matt. 2:9 th a t wise men from th e E ast who came to worship Jesus when He was born, were led by a star. In Luke 2:9 it says an angel led the shepherds where Jesus was born. Was it an angel or a sta r? I t could not have been both. Was it wise men from the E ast or shepherds from His own country? This is th e so-called careful study of th e Bible. Any child ought to be able l to see th a t two entirely sep arate occasions are described. They differ as to tim e and place. Could no t God notify th e Jews by an angel th a t th e Messiah was born, and could He not, some months later., notify th e astrologers from th e E ast th a t th is g reat event had tak en place in th e world? Jew and Gentile were both in ­ formed and each in a language th a t would best be understood by them . Take ano ther sample from th is same learned critic: “Who bore th e cross upon which Jesus was crucified? Matthew says it was Simon of Cyrene. John says Jesus bore it Himself. Which was it? Both could not have carried it.” Ju st because John did no t mention th e fact th a t Simon carried th e heavy cross a p art of th e distance for Jesus, who was already physically weakened by th e loss of blood and th e agonies He had suffered, th is careful stud en t th ink s it impos- ' sible th a t two parties could have been involved. One more sample will suffice. It is pointed out th a t Jud as hanged himself according to Matt. 27:5, while according to Acts 1:18 he fell and bu rst his bowels. FOR INSURED INVESTMENTS. (See Inside Back Cover)

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