King's Business - 1923-05



explanation given by P au l: “The love of Christ constraineth us." Men are separated from God by sin; they are afar off. The law cannot draw them ; it only drives them fa rth er away. There is no mercy in it. Only th e matchless love of the Crucified Son of God is equal to this emergency. If men are not drawn by th is m anifestation of God’s love, they must rem ain hope­ lessly lost, for God has no o ther means of attractin g them. The g reat duty en tru sted to every believer is to lift up Jesus Christ. He was lifted up on th e cross, and now th a t cross must be lifted up. The power to draw men lies in th e cross. The power to convict men lies in th e cross. The power to Convince men lies in th e cross. The power to convert men lies in th e cross. TOPICS FOR STUDY (1 ) Do any people come to us seek­ ing Jesus, and if so, why? If they do not, Why not? (2) How could He say, “The hour is come th a t th e Son of Man should be glorified” when He was facing the Cross? (3 ) W hat is involved for us believers in His statem en t in vs. 24, 25? (4) How do you suppose th e F ath e r will honor those who serve Jesus here? v. 20. ' 5) When and how has th e F ath e r glorified th e name of His Son? (6) When will the prince of th is world be cast out? Where from and where to ? (7) W hat message for tnese days is involved in v. 35? H i SUGGESTIVE COMMENT By Dr. G. A. B riegleb The key to th e lesson recorded in John 12:20-36 is to be found in the twenty-first verse. The words, “We would see Jesu s,” is a rich golden nug­ get and in these words we have pre­ sented th ree outstanding hum an ele­ ments.

1. There is the element of Curi­ osity. The Greeks were th e newsy people of the day, th e purveyors of legends and philosophy. (Constantly on the lookout for some new thing, these men longed to secure an interview w ith th e Master. The purpose of th is in te r­ view was in order th a t they m ight take back to th e ir own people th e ir “ Personal Impressions of th e Man of Galilee.’’ Thus would they be able to add something to th e sum to ta l of Greek knowledge. 2. Then there is the element of Admiration. The presence of th e Greeks a t the feast indicate th a t they were no doubt proselytes to the Jewish faith. Ming­ ling w ith those who had come to wor­ ship in th e Temple, they imbibed much inform ation concerning th e work and the teaching of th e strang e man who claimed to be Messias. They no doubt h eard about His cleansing the Temple, of His superiority in wisdom over the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes, and of His defense of th e weak and op­ pressed. Filled, w ith adm iration a t His heroism , His wonder working power and His sincerity, they wanted to see Him th a t they m ight do honor to Him. 3. Finally there is the element of Necessity. How suggestive are th e words “We would see Jesu s” when we place th e emphasis upon the word “WE .” Greek philosophy and Hebrew faith had both failed. The .imperious cry of th e ir souls was for something higher and better. There is no record th a t Jesus ever answered th e ir request for an audience. Instead He stated th a t th e hou r had come' for th e Son of Man to be glorified and th a t “Except a corn of wheat fall into th e ground and die it would abide alone.” The Saviour was th ink ing in world term s. Run- ing th rough to th e th irty -six th verse of th e chapter is th e clear pronounce-

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