King's Business - 1923-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

w ait to be told bu t ju s t go to mother and say, “W hat can I do to help you?” That will make her very happy. Maybe you can make a bed or sweep th e floor or look afte r th e baby, or ru n an er­ rand. If you do this, you will be happy all day. P erhaps you can help some little friend. If Jesus could get down and wash th e feet of His followers, then we ought to be w illing and glad to do any­ th ing for anybody. W hat did He do for us on th e Cross? Did you do anything la st week to help any one? Tell us about it. Next week we will see what you can tell us about having helped others th is week. Memory Verse: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the servant is not g reater th an his lord; neith er he th a t is sent g reater th a n he th a t sent him ” (John 13 :16 ). (Review last Sunday’s lesson. Ask how many tried to praise Jesus by th eir conduct during th e week, and w hat it was they were able to do. A fter they tell w hat they did, make it clear th a t nothing was done th a t counted, unless Jesus had helped them do it. T ry repeatedly to have children understand th a t they need the help of Jesus all the time, in whatever they do; study, or play, or when they are a t home. W hat we need to do, is to make every les­ son taech practical Christian living.) It was not long afte r Jesus rode to the Temple, before every one in the city heard about, and was talk ing about it. There were some Greeks th ere who had come up to th e Temple to the feast, and when they heard about it they w anted to see Jesus, and must have gone to th e Temple and found th a t Jesus was gone. They seemed to know Philip, one of the disciples, so they went to him , saying, “We w ant to see Jesus.” As these men were not THE PRIMARY K ate H. Haus.

m ent th a t m an’s deepest need could only be met by th e death of th e Sav­ iour. Nothing else will satisfy man and give to him in his necessity, “ the peace of God th a t passeth all und er­ stand ing ,” save th e consciousness of pardon found a t Calvary. afe ate THE JUNIORS JESUS AS A SERVANT Jo h n 18:4-17 Review: W hat was our lesson about last week? (Seeds.) W hat did we find a seed was for? ( P lan tin g .) W here do we p lan t seeds? (In th e g round .) W hat does th e seed do afte r it is planted? (Dies.) When it dies, what comes from it? (L ife—-a living plant.) W hat kind of seed can boys and girls sow? Have you been planting any seed this last week? The Lesson: The lesson today is a wonderful one. W hat do you suppose it is about? Well, let us read it. (The teacher will read th e lesson.) W asn 't th a t a" strang e thing to do?. Jesus took a basin and a towel afte r th e supper and went around to every one of th e men and washed th e ir feet. Of course they did not w ear shoes and stockings in those days, bu t ju st san- dais. They always had ja rs of w ater a t the doors so th a t when they went into a house they could b ath e th e ir feet. Jesus wanted to teach His disciples a lesson. He wanted them to be willing to do little things and humble things for o th er people, so He set them an ex­ ample. We ought to be w illing to do every­ th ing we can for people. Do you ever try to help fath e r and mother? Don’t

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