King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N ES S


Jews, Philip was not quite sure what he ought to do, so he went for his b ro th er Andrew. I th ink th a t Andrew must have said it was all righ t, for he w ent w ith Philip to tell Jesus th a t these Greeks wanted to see Him. Jesus did not go out to see these men, because He felt th a t they must have come out of curiosity, and He had no time to see ju st curious people. Jesus does hot listen to ju st curious people. If we come to Jesus w ith our h earts fu ll of real love, then Jesus will al­ ways come to us. Jesús then told them th a t th e time was soon to be, when He would die on th e cross, for th e sins of all th e people, and then these Greeks would come to have th eir sins forgiven, and not ju st from cur­ iosity. Then Jesus explained to the disciples how He would do it. He said th a t a grain of w heat was not good for much by itself, but if it was planted in th e ground, it would die, and the life th a t was hid by th e outside of the wheat, would begin to grow, and by and by, a stalk' would come up, th en a blade, and last of all, a stalk would come upon th e end, th a t would be full of grains of new wheat', and then you would have wheat enough to do some­ thing with. (Show a grain of wheat, when making th is explanation, 'a n d then a full stalk, so it will be plain to the children. Jesus showed them th a t He would have to die so th a t He could give His life to ,ev ery one who wanted to live forever in heaven; for our life won’t live forever; and so, Jesus must pu t His life into our h earts, before we can live forever. You see while Jesus lived here—-on th e earth, He had th e one life th a t would live forever, ju st like th e one grain of wheat, and so He would die on th e cross, and then th a t one life would grow to so many lives -that would live forever, th a t He could give His life to every one th a t loved Him, and wanted to live forever w ith Him in heaven. So Jesus told th e people th a t if they wanted

m n to live forever, they must believe in Him as th e ir Saviour, and work for Him, and whoever did th at, God would honor. As Jesus though t of the cross, He did not like it any more than we would, but th a t was what He came into th e world fo r; He died th a t you and I m ight have everlasting life, and go to heaven when we die. As Jesus thought of th a t cross, He prayed to God, rig h t where He was, asking God to help Him not m ind th e cross, as long as it would honor God, and let Him forgive people, so th a t God could tak e them to live in heaven forever, a t last. T h at prayer of Jesus pleased God so much, th a t He answered Jesus rig h t away. God talked so loud th a t people though t it thundered, for they did not understand w hat God said. But some said an angel talked to Jesus. Jesus said, “ God spoke so th a t you m ight know t h a t . He heard my p rayer.” Now, if Jesus needed to pray, how much more you and I .need to pray. “And I, if I be lifted up, from th e earth , [th a t m eant if He died on th e cross] will draw all men unto Me.” T h at m eant th a t He could save every one th a t w ants to be saved. Jesus will not save any one th a t does not w ant to be saved.' The people told Jesus th a t they' did not understand w h at He meant. Jesus said, they did not understand Him, because they did not love Him. ’ No one can understand, who does not love Jesus. Memory verse. John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, th a t He gave His only begotten Son, th a t whoso­ ever believeth in Him should no t per­ ish, bu t have everlasting life.”

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