King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Lesson: In our lesson today Jesus and His disciples are in the same room where He washed th e ir feet. Jesus loves His disciples. He is going away from them into heaven, and He w ants to comfort them . He knows th a t they will miss Him, so He tells them where He is go­ ing, and what He will do for them. W hat does He tell them not to do? (v. 1.) W hat does He tell them th ere is in His F a th e r’s house? (v. 2.) Where is His F a th e r’s house? (In heaven.) W hat is He doing for people there? (Getting a place ready for us.) W hat will He do when He has the house all ready? ^ (v. 3.) Who are His people? How do we- become His people? (1 :12 .) W hat did Jesus say He was? (v. 6) “The Way; th e T ru th ; th e L ife.” Can you think of some other names of Jesus? (Shepherd; Door; W ater of L ife; B read; L ight.) When He gets th e house all ready will He come for His people? (v. 3.) Is He preparing a place for you? Are you sure you are one of His sheep? Would you like to see Him? Memory Verse: “ Jesus saith unto him, I am th e way, the tru th , and the life; no man cometh unto th e F ath er, bu t by me” (John 14 :6 ).

souls took the opposite direction of the road by belittling and minifying and went into sp iritu al darkness for time and eternity. A lthough these Pharisees were un­ consciously adding distress and burden to the sensitive soul of the Saviour by casting false accusations against Him, th e thing which no doubt dis­ tressed H im most was th a t th e ir de­ cision against Him was eternal. We are told th a t ' ‘many of th e ru l­ ers believed in H im ,” however th e ir belief must have been of a weak va­ riety for it stopped sh a ft of th e ir con­ fessing Him, hence' it must have stop­ ped sho rt of th e ir salvation for the praise of men m eant more to th e ir car­ nal h earts th an th e praise of God. Jesus has done w hat He could and they all fail H im ; hence “He Went away and hid him self from them .” The sin of today is th a t of discredit­ ing Jesus. Many preachers are afraid “ lest they will be pu t out of the syna­ gogue” if they speak th e tru th , hence they try to please men and get th eir praise and th e ir money. Let those who reject ligh t remem­ ber th a t eternal darkness is a t the end of th a t road. Review: Where was Jesus in our la st lesson? Who was w ith Him? W hat strange th ing did He do to them? W hat was th e lesson He wanted to teach them? W hat lesson did you get from it? Did you tell any one th a t Jesus was your Saviour? W hat is th e most wonderful thing Jesus did for people? (Died on the cross.) THE JUNIORS A L IFE OF LOVE Jo h n 14:1-6




A Knowledge of the Bible | — through a Correspondence § Course! Seven courses of- | fered by Bible Institute of j




Los Angeles.


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