King's Business - 1923-05


COMMENT—By the Editors

D r G rant, Episcopal recto r of New York aired his disbelief in th e divinity of Christ, th e Bishop th reaten ed a heresy trial, and th is is w hat ano ther recto r w rote to th e Bishop: “ It is you who ought to be tried for heresy for daring to say Jesus Christ was divine. He was a hum an being who had the power to sin and didn’t. You tak e away from his glory when you call him divine.” There you are! If you believe in th e divinity of Christ, you are a heretic. A California B aptist preacher used P rof. Slaten, recently dism issed from W illiam Jewell College, as an illus­ tra tio n of ration alistic teachers in B aptist schools, and got him self in bad w ith some of the powers th a t be, who said th a t th e professor was O. K. Nevertheless, a paper ju s t received tells us th a t Prof. Slaten has gone to his own place. He has accepted a call to th e p astorate of the Third U nitarian Church, Chicago. We wonder if he will still be defended as a loyal Baptist. Dr. K ipling, in an address a t Royal College of Surgeons a t London, made some very learned statem en ts about evolution, according to th e papers. You will be glad to be inform ed th a t man is “ an imperfectly denatured ani­ mal, in term itten tly subject to unpre­ dictable reactions of an unlocated spir­ itu al are a.” We knew it was bad enough— b u t th is is much worse th an we ever dreamed. “ In 200 years th e insane will be building asylums for th e sane, if the insanity continues to increase a t the present ra te .” , T hats th e news th a t Dr. A. Lowenthal, Chicago, repu ted au tho rity on glands of the hum an body, brought to San Francisco physicians. He says records show th a t 75 years ago th e re was one case of insanity to every 500 persons. Now, he says it is about one to every 150 or 175. W illiam Lyons Phelps, professor of English lite ra tu re a t Yale University speaking in th e Brooklyn Academy of Music, touched upon the theory of au to ­ suggestion and expressed th e opinion

Seventeen hund red m illions In th e world and less th a n th ree hundred m il­ lions even profess Christianity. Ju st read of a m in ister resigning to accept th e job of ja n ito r of th e church. Fine idea for some who w ant to draw pay from th e church w ithout having to preach the old Gospel. In th ree years, 1916, 1917, 1918^- th ere were 28,842 m u rders in th e TJ. S. an average of nearly one a n hour, day and night. Of th is g reat number only 285 w ent to th e gallows or chair. P rom inent Ind ian a preacher preaches on “W hat is There L eft of th e B ible? He lauds th e critics as rev eren t stu ­ dents seeking to know all th a t can be known about th e g reatest of Books. He ends up by saying: “The ten com­ mandments and th e golden ru le are left.” We were beginning to feel g ratefu l to him for having left th a t much when we picked up another paper and read th a t a certain group of crit­ ics in England have decided th a t the commandments need revising and shortening. The reason given is th a t “w ithout th e ir th rea ts of punishments they would make a g reater moral ap­ peal.” Now if someone will trim down th e Golden Rule for us, we will have ju st enough left to “m ake soup for a sick grasshopper,” as Sam Jones would say. Prof. J. C. Powys, lectu rer, poet and philosopher, speaking in Los Angeles recently, said: “ Only a scientific super­ m an can save civilization. I would like to see a super scientist discover th e la st weapon w ith which he can wipe ou t a nation a t will, and w ith it blackmail th e world into common sense. Though he k e p t th e sta te of a Napoleon, it would not disturb me in the least, as a world dictator is ju st w hat is needed.” Well, we will have him all righ t, professor. Read 2 Thess. 2.

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