King's Business - 1923-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ing a sermon on th e B ible by an Iowa Methodist m inister of prominence. He follows th e lib eralist’s stock argum ent about “ a progressive revelation,” full of m istaken ideas a t first bu t g radu ­ ally corrected as men increased in knowledge. He goes so far as to quote John Wesley in support of this view of th e Bible— “ John Wesley said very wisely th a t th e Bible contains th e Word of God.” Maybe John did say th a t bu t he also said some o ther things. In his notes on th e New Testament, he says: “The Scriptures therefore, of the Old and New Testam ents are a most solid and precious system of divine tru th . Every p art thereof is worthy of God; and all tog eth er are one entire body, wherein is no defect, no excess. This is th a t Word of God which remain- eth forever, of which, though heaven and earth pass away, one jo t or tittle shall not pass away.” Again he says: “God speaks not as man, bu t as God. The language of His messengers also is exact in th e highest degree, for th e words which were given them accur­ ately answered th e impression made upon th e ir m inds.” The P salm ist said: “A horse is a vain th in g fo r safety.” Wonder what he would say about th e automobile th a t gets one victim every 40 m inutes in th e U. S., an average of about 35 a day. One traffic au tho rity says th a t many of th e in ju red get home or out of town befoTe they die, and the rec­ ords of th e ir accidental deaths are lost. He th ink s perfect records would show 100 a day, or 36,000 lives lost a year through automobiles. More Americans were killed or in ju red by autos in 1922 th a n were killed in the world war, even according to th e par tia l records we have. ^iiiiiniUi.iiillilitliniiiiiiniiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiuiuiniiHiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiftiiiiiiiiiiHuimiiui- I LOOK INTO IT! | The Correspondence Courses | | in Bible S tudy offered by the | | B. I. O. L. A . have helped § | hundreds to get a start in | | Christian work. Let us send | | a circular concerning our seven § | courses. Address Correspon- | | dence School, Bible Institute § | of Los Angeles.


th a t th e wide acceptance of th e theory illu strate d th e m aterialistic trend of modern thought. “Mr. Coue is a good man” said Prof. Phelps, “ and has made a strong impression, hu t wouldn’t it be b etter for us, instead of reciting his ‘every day in every way’ creed, to say ‘God have mercy on me a sinn er?’ ” Some tim e ago Dr. Schwartz, a leader of th e Congregational denom ination was quoted as saying th a t in 28 lead­ ing churches where he had made in­ quiry including some of th e most im ­ p o rtan t Congregational churches of the country as to how many men they had sen t in to th e m inistry in th e last 25 years, 26 of th e 28 could not re­ po rt any young man had gone into the m inistry from th e ir church during th a t period of time. T hat would am ount to one church runn ing 625 years w ithout having sent a single young man out to preach th e Gospel. Says th e Methodist P ro testan t: “One would feel a little more com fortable in the doctrine of evolution if th e apes would cultivate b e tte r m anners. They persist in making th e ir toilets in pub­ lic. Alas, we have unconsciously slip­ ped a cog and given com fort to the enemy—-for scarcely a day passes th a t we do not see some maidens in cars and stores and upon th e streets doing th e same thing. Is it th e persistance of the prim al impulse?” During 1922 Los Angeles courts tu rned out h alf as many divorces as th e hall of records tu rn ed out m arriage licenses. Does th is mean th a t about every other wedding runs amuck? If so, th e day isn’t far off when society and th e state will follow. Rev. Bob Shuler said in a recent sermon: “We have gone to school to the movies too persistently for the past ten years and th e resu lts are in evidence. We must find safer teachers iq idealism th an these many-times-married stars, whose dope publicity and petting parties only rival th e ir attainm en ts in bringing th e screen to reflect in sex stuff and other filth, th eir real lives. America needs a revert. She needs to go back to the v irtu e of womanhood, th e sanctity of th e home, the honor of manhood, th e stand ard s and ideals by which genuine Americans lived in other days, and sta rt all over again.” Someone sends us a paper contain-


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