Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

Key climate facts

+2 ºC / + 1.5ºC The 2015 Paris Agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit to 1.5°C

7 in 10 adults that agree climate change is an immediate and urgent problem + 1ºC Rise in average global temperature that has already happened

Our climate is already changing

but there are goals to limit warming under the Paris Agreement:

8 in 10 adults that agree climate change will impact Scotland

And people in Scotland want us to act:

We’re generally a cold and wet region:

140 120 100

18 16 14 12 10

80 60 40 20 0

8 6 4 2 0


Feb March










But observations show Glasgow City Region’s temperatures and rainfall are increasing:

Average temperature in Glasgow City Region (Paisley), 1960–2019

Average annual rainfall in Glasgow City Region (Paisley), 1960–2019


160 140 120 100



80 60


1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2019

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2019

In all scenarios, climate change means Glasgow City Region will experience:

Increasing extreme weather

Heavier winter rainfall and reduced summer rainfall

Higher average temperatures, with more frequent and extreme heatwaves

Sea level rise and coastal erosion

Increased likelihood of flooding

All of these will lead to significant impact in our City Region. At present we have identified:

67 climate risks and opportunities

10 areas where more action is needed to address our risks in four areas: infrastructure; society and health; natural environment; and economy, business and industry

210 publicly listed companies exposed to physical climate risks

21,500 extra homes at risk of flooding by the 2080s

£££ £ hundreds of millions/ year – damages by the 2050s without adaptation unmanaged

Sources: UKCP18 Probabilistic Projections, Met Office Hadley Centre, UK State of the Climate 2019, Met Office Historical Data, Climate Action Tracker, MSCI, and Scottish Household survey data explorer.

Fig. 3. Key climate facts.


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