Much of the ambition in this Strategy is aligned to existing or emerging Scottish policy, driven by the outcomes in the National Performance Framework. For example, Scotland’s Place Principle is integral to our approach. Glasgow City Region is a place where people, location and resources combine to create a sense of identity and purpose. This is at the heart of addressing the needs and realizing the full potential of communities. This was also at the heart of National Planning Framework 4, 8 which embodies many other ongoing aspirations such as: • creating 20-minute neighbourhoods • prioritizing the redevelopment of brownfield sites and addressing issues of vacant and derelict land • re-imagining town centres identified as a high source of heat generation • embedding the requirement for low and zero carbon design and energy efficiency • securing low carbon heating solutions • woodland creation and expansion • use of open spaces, green infrastructure and biodiversity to make places more resilient • the protection of peatland and carbon rich soils. It has also been designed to directly support Glasgow City Region’s Economic Recovery Plan, 9 helping support efforts to simulate our economy and create jobs as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Much other existing policy contains the levers needed to achieve our vision. These are included in the technical annexes. It is important that all the activities undertaken to deliver the Strategy should be undertaken as sustainably as possible, making use of tools and processes and concepts such as the circular economy, the waste hierarchy, biodiversity net-gain, CEEQUAL and BRREAM.
Net-zero – achieving synergies, avoiding trade-offs
Achieving net-zero is an important ambition for Scotland, and will require wide-reaching change to transport, land use, energy and planning systems of a similar type to those outlined here. When done in parallel, such changes have the potential to create synergies (for example, protecting and restoring peatlands to store carbon and reduce flood risk), as well as trade-offs (for example, denser towns and cities can reduce transport emissions, but increase risks by creating heat islands). A key principle throughout the Strategy has been to maximize the synergies and minimize trade- offs, and such synergies will also be required for individual projects.
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