Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan
About Climate Ready Clyde Climate Ready Clyde (CRC) is a cross-sector initiative funded by fifteen member organizations and supported by the Scottish Government to create a shared Vision, Strategy, and Action Plan for an adapting Glasgow City Region (GCR). 1.8 million people live, work and play in Glasgow City Region and a large number of businesses and organizations are based here, with £40 bn of GVA – a third of Scotland’s population and wealth. Increasingly they are impacted by the effects of climate change, both directly and from changes happening around the world. Adaptation is a strategic issue for Glasgow City Region in terms of securing inward investment and protecting the economy, as well as contributing to good placemaking, addressing inequality and minimizing and avoiding costs arising from unplanned impacts. Climate Ready Clyde was established on the basis that adapting is cheaper, easier and more effective when done together. • Collaborating for collective impact – Ensuring society is resilient to climate change requires us to reach across silos, sectors and agendas to create collective impact. Our members are committed to working together and with others in an innovative and inclusive way, so that CRC leads by example and effectively governs the adaptation space. • Informing and shaping the direction of Glasgow City Region and wider Scotland – Our members and the Secretariat are at the heart of the debates and discussion of the future of the City Region and wider Scotland, helping to shape a climate resilient future, for all those who live and work in the City Region. • Our work on evidence, adaptation guidance and resources helps those in the City Region working on the delivery of adaptation do more, faster.. • Leading in the global movement for climate action – We place Glasgow City Region’s efforts to adapt on a global stage, showcasing the leading work we do to inspire and support cities and regions around the world, and connecting and learning from those who can help us accelerate our plans.
Climate Ready Clyde is managed and delivered by Scottish sustainability charity Sniffer.
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