Glasgow City Region (GCR) Climate Adaptation Strategy timeline City Region Climate Adapt tion Str tegy timeline
Engagement with GCR stakeholders to create a vision and Theory of Change
Underpinning knowledge, evidence and insight
Delivering a Green New Deal post COVID-19
Development of blueprint of innovation ideas
Climate Risk and Opportunity Assessment
What does transformational adaptation look like?
Political Economy mapping
Financing Clyde Rebuilt
Resource Mobilization Plan
Adaptation finance
Strategic Environmental Assessment (Screening and Scoping)
GCR Adaptation Strategy (consultation draft)
Strategic Environmental Assessment published
Social Impact Assessment review and Key Messages report
Nov 2020
Consultation, revisions and summary of responses published
Blueprint of innovative ideas for transformational adaptation published
CRC board and GCR Cabinet approval
May 2021
Strategic Environmental Assessment – Post Adoption Statement published
Adaptation Strategy technical annexes published
GCR Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan launched
Social Impact Assessment published
June 2021
Identifying finance options and governance
Implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning
Summer 2021
Fig.15. The development process.
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